California Receives Preliminary Federal Approval to Free Up Funds for Crisis Response

April 13 announcement from the California Department of Education:

The U.S. Department of Education has granted preliminary approval to California’s request for flexibility in using federal funds to ease the immediate impacts of COVID-19 school closures.

State Superintendent Tony Thurmond and State Board of Education President Linda Darling-Hammond submitted the request for waivers, authorized under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, on Friday, April 10, 2020. The waivers were approved today.

The waivers loosen restrictions on how and when federal education funds can be spent. They remove a cap on technology purchases, ease limits on the amount of unspent federal funds that can be carried over from one federal fiscal year to the next, and relax rules about the use of money for teacher professional development.

“With this much needed flexibility, the state can shift resources to such pressing needs as training our workforce on distance learning and building up our technology infrastructure,” said Superintendent Tony Thurmond. “In this time of crisis, the ability to quickly direct resources to needs is critically important.”

Board President Darling-Hammond thanked the U.S. Department of Education for helping California’s efforts to improve online learning during this unprecedented time of crisis. “We are pleased that the federal government responded so quickly to our requests,” said Darling-Hammond. “In this time of great uncertainty, being assured that we can repurpose this money to address urgent concerns is a great relief.”

Specifically, California received preliminary waivers from:

  • Section 1127(b) of Title I, Part A of the ESEA so that your State educational agency (SEA) may waive, more than once every three years, if necessary, the 15 percent carryover limitation in ESEA section 1127(a) for fiscal year (FY) 2019 Title I, Part A funds.
  • Section 421(b) of the General Education Provisions Act (GEPA) to extend the period of availability of FY 2018 funds for programs in which your SEA participates under its approved consolidated State plan until September 30, 2021.
  • Section 4106(d) of Title IV, Part A of the ESEA related to local educational agency (LEA) needs assessments for the 2019-2020 school year.
  • Section 4106(e)(2)(C), (D), and (E) of Title IV, Part A of the ESEA with respect to content-area spending requirements for FYs 2018 and 2019 Title IV, Part A funds.
  • Section 4109(b) of Title IV, Part A of the ESEA with respect to the spending limitation for technology infrastructure for FYs 2018 and 2019 Title IV, Part A funds.
  • Section 8101(42) of the ESEA, which defines “professional development,” for activities funded for the 2019-2020 school year.

In compliance with federal regulations, the state is accepting public comment on the waiver application through May 1. Please send comments via email to or by mail to the California Department of Education, Government Affairs Division, 1430 N Street, Suite 5602, Sacramento, CA 95814-5901.

To view this press release on the CDE website, click here.

UC and CSU Announce New Admissions Policies To Mitigate Challenges Students Face Due to Coronavirus

April 1 article from the Association of California School Administrators:

As school districts consider adopting new grading schemes in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and distance learning, the University of California and California State University are committing to hold harmless students entering their universities.

State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond and State Board of Education President Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond plan to release additional guidance on grading for K-12 Local Educational Agencies. In the meantime, they have emphasized that high school seniors will continue to graduate if they are already on track, and higher education institutions will provide flexibility to prevent students from being disadvantaged this year and in the future.

University of California 
Today, the UC Office of the President announced measures to relax undergraduate admissions requirements to “mitigate some of the extraordinary challenges students and their families face.” These measures include:

  • Suspending the letter grade requirement for A-G courses completed in winter/spring/summer 2020 for all students, including UC’s most-recently admitted freshmen.
  • Suspending the standardized test requirement for students applying for fall 2021 freshman admission.
  • Providing that there will be no rescission of student admissions offers that result from students or schools missing official final transcript deadlines, and student retention of admission status through the first day of class until official documents are received by campuses.

To see the full University of California press release, click here.

California State University 
The CSU released its amended admissions policies and practices today, providing an overview of key changes based on student grade levels.

For incoming college freshmen:

  • Accepting transcripts for incoming freshmen through the fall 2020 term, and will accept unofficial or self-reported data due to extend school closures.
  • Assessing and initially placing students in first-year english/math based on multiple measures:  high school college courses completed, GPAs and test scores (SBAC, ACT, SAT) that students have submitted thus far.

For high school juniors:

  • CSU “recommends” all students enroll in a yearlong, senior-year English course and a mathematics/quantitative reasoning course.
  • CSU is still determining the appropriate path forward for edibility criteria for fall 2021 applicants regarding the indefinite suspension of the ACT/SAT examinations.

For students in grades 8-10:

  • Accepting “credit” or “pass” to satisfy A-G requirements completed during winter, spring, or summer 2020 terms.  All prior coursework must be graded and a grade C- or better for the course to satisfy A-G requirements.
  • Grades of credit/pass or no credit/non-passing will not be included in the calculation of high school GPA.

As noted above, the California Department of Education is anticipated to release additional guidance on district grading policies later tonight.

State Superintendent Tony Thurmond Announces New Guidance on Grading and Graduation for Seniors

April 1 announcement from the California Department of Education:

State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond announced today that the California Department of Education (CDE) and the California State Board of Education (SBE) have issued new guidance on graduation requirements and grading for seniors. The guidance is based on feedback from local education agencies, and was produced in collaboration and alignment with higher education institutions.

“We are thinking of our seniors and the impact that the current COVID-19 public health emergency and subsequent physical closure of schools has had on them, and we hope that this guidance will help relieve some stress and anxiety,” said Thurmond. “We are doing everything we can to support all our schools and students, and will continue to address seniors’ needs going forward.”

“All seniors who are on track for graduation should be able to graduate,” said State Board of Education President Linda Darling-Hammond. “This new guidance further illustrates how students can and should be held harmless in grading, and how their work can be acknowledged.”

The guidance addresses A-G requirements and provides admissions updates for higher education for both current seniors and juniors.

For example, colleges have agreed to accept credit/no-credit or pass/fail grading where districts have decided to use it for A-G courses and other courses without impact on grade point averages. California is also extending flexibility on a wide range of issues, including testing requirements, timing of transcripts, and considerations about financial aid.

The CDE continues working with the University of California, California State University, community college system, and private and non-profit universities on solutions to many ongoing college admissions challenges.

Please find the grades and graduation guidance document as well as more school information and resources regarding coronavirus on the CDE’s COVID-19 web page.

To see this press release on the CDE website, click here.

California State PTA Responds to Governor’s Announcement About Closure of Schools for Remainder of Academic Year

SACRAMENTO – APRIL 1, 2020 – California State PTA has released the following statement in response to Governor Gavin Newsom’s press conference today, in which he made important announcements about school closures, distance learning, and bridging the digital divide during the coronavirus outbreak.

“We at California State PTA stand behind the Governor in his efforts to keep children, families, and school staff safe during this crisis,” said Celia Jaffe, President of California State PTA. “We concur with the Governor that quality distance learning, meals for students, and the care and supervision of children are top priorities in the coming months. Efforts to provide internet access are particularly important for our underserved communities. Parents and caregivers throughout California are performing multiple roles during this outbreak, and the Governor’s expression of appreciation for their extraordinary efforts is very well received by PTA.”


About California State PTA: California State PTA connects families, schools and communities. We are part of the foundation of our public-education system and a trusted messenger to millions of members, parents, families, educators and allied agencies throughout the state. PTA is the nation’s largest volunteer-led child-advocacy association working to drive improvements in the education, health and well-being of all children and families. For more information:


Heather Ippolito
Vice President for Communications

Ignacio Barragan
Assistant Executive Director

Find Low-Cost (or Free) Internet and Computers Through CETF

CETF logoThe coronavirus epidemic has left many families struggling to pay bills while simultaneously trying to help their children learn at home. That’s why access to low-cost or free internet and affordable computers is now more essential to more people than ever before.

California State PTA has partnered with the California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF) to help those in need access the technology that can help their children succeed during this difficult time — or anytime.

CETF is a non-profit organization that can connect you with a wide range of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and device providers that feature affordable computers and internet solutions, and now, they can even help connect you with internet providers offering free service (for a limited time).

Click here to read CETF’s flier in English or Spanish to get more information about how to qualify, and who to contact. Click here to visit CETF’s website to find providers in your area.


On June 17, 2021, we held an important and informative webinar about bridging the digital divide, where we discussed the impact of integrating technology into learning, and revealed highlights from the CETF-USC statewide survey on distance learning.

Featured speakers included former California State PTA President Celia Jaffe, representatives from the California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF) and Dr. Pedro Noguera, Dean of the Rossier School of Education at USC.

Click here to watch a recording of the webinar.

LCAP Training Webinar

Attend our LCAP webinar and learn about the latest changes to the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF)-Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) template and how you can directly impact your child’s education, school, and school district.

Date and time: TBD – This webinar has been postponed due to the coronavirus outbreak. Please stay tuned for reschedule date.

Register to Vote

If you’re not already registered to vote in California, October 18 is the deadline if you want to vote in the election on November 2, 2021.

Click here to register to vote in California.

Cultivate a Habit of Lifelong Voting

PTA was founded in 1897 to advocate for children and families. At the 1937 convention of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers, newly elected national President, Frances S. Pettengill, declared that “as citizens in a democracy, our chief function is to prepare the oncoming generation to live successfully in a democracy.”

California State PTA believes an important part of that preparation is fostering voting habits early in life and cultivating a habit of lifelong voting. Research supports this approach and has long shown that lifelong voting habits are formed in childhood and adolescence through parent/adult modeling and Civic Education.

California State PTA also believes that our constitutional right to vote is the foundation of American democracy and our representative form of government.  Public policy issues that we care about are determined by our elected officials and our votes. Therefore, the right to vote, cast an informed vote and have that vote counted, whether it be for candidates or ballot measures, are fundamental to the work we do as PTA and should be protected. Click here to learn more.

Voting Resources

Here are some non-partisan websites that can help you learn more about the issues on the ballot:

Once you’ve completed your ballot, place it in the mailing envelope (you don’t need to add postage) then put it in the mail, or drop it at any official ballot drop box. If you’re sending it by mail, try to put it in a mailbox before election day, because it must be postmarked by November 2!

Here are some websites with other important tools and tips that can help you fill out and mail your ballot correctly, to ensure that your vote is counted:


California State PTA Announces Support for California Schools and Local Communities Funding Act of 2020

Media Contacts:

Heather Ippolito, Vice President for Communications

Ignacio Barragan, Assistant Executive Director / 916.440.1985

SACRAMENTO – December 19, 2020 – California State PTA announces its support for the California Schools and Local Communities Funding Act of 2020, a ballot initiative that aligns with the organization’s goals of promoting the education, health, safety and well-being of children and securing stable and sustainable public education funding.

Also known as the “split roll” initiative, the measure would amend 1978’s Proposition 13 by reassessing and taxing certain commercial properties at current market value. The initiative will appear on the November 2020 statewide ballot if it gets the required number of signatures to qualify. If approved it will raise $6.5-11.5 billion in annual funds for public education, local governments and community services.

Roughly 40% of the projected revenue raised from this initiative would go to K-12 schools and community colleges, with the rest allocated to counties and cities. This will provide additional resources toward the goal of providing every student with a quality 21st century education. Despite having the fifth-largest economy in the world, the state is 41st in the nation in terms of per-student funding, 45th in student-teacher ratios, and 48th in staff per student.

“When more funds flow into local coffers, school districts and communities see a direct benefit,” said Celia Jaffe, President of California State PTA. “This initiative will have a positive impact on the ability of school districts to hire teachers and diversify their curriculum in ways that California State PTA has long advocated for.”

“Due to lack of funds, California schools are failing to adhere to mandates in areas such as arts education, a subject in which 88% of schools don’t meet state requirements,” Jaffe said. “Furthermore, additional funding would ensure other underfunded areas such as science and technology education would receive support.”

The California Schools and Local Communities Funding Act of 2020 is one of two school funding ballot measures that California State PTA is supporting in 2020. The second measure is the school facilities bond on the March 2020 ballot. Both align with PTA’s mission to advocate for the education, health and safety of children and families. California State PTA recognizes that appropriate and adequate funding directly impacts the success of students and communities across the state.

California State PTA Laments Victims of Saugus High School Shooting

Media Contacts:

Heather Ippolito, Vice President for Communications

Ignacio Barragan, Assistant Executive Director

SACRAMENTO – November 14, 2019 – California State PTA laments those who were injured, killed and traumatized by the November 14 shooting at Saugus High School in Santa Clarita, California.

“Our hearts break for those who lost their lives and peace of mind at Saugus High School today,” said Celia Jaffe, President of the California State PTA. “Gun violence in schools is unacceptable. Schools should be places where students can learn and staff can teach in safety.”

California State PTA has long advocated for safer schools by supporting both state and federal legislation that protects children from gun violence, including:

  • Requiring firearm licensure procedures that include a minimum 3-day waiting period and background checks to screen out illegal firearm purchasers such as convicted felons and drug-related offenders;
  • Restricting internet gun sales, including kits that can be used to make/modify guns;
  • Enforcing federal and state minimum age requirements for gun purchases;
  • Requiring safety devices, including childproof trigger locks, on all firearms offered for sale, delivery or transfer;
  • Prohibiting the sale and possession of assault weapons for non-military/non-law enforcement use and requiring a registration process for those who legally own such firearms;
  • Banning the manufacture, sale or possession of “junk guns”/Saturday night specials;
  • Banning armor-piercing ammunition;
  • Controlling the illegal possession of firearms and other lethal weapons on school campuses; and
  • Supporting state and federal funding initiatives for the research of the causes and effects of gun violence

“Gun violence is a public health crisis that affects us all – most of all, our children and youth,” said Shereen Walter, California State PTA’s Director of Legislation. “Today’s shooting reinforces the urgency of finding a way to end such senseless crimes. California State PTA is actively lobbying both federal and state lawmakers to demand change, and we encourage our members to help our efforts by calling or writing to your state and federal representatives and demanding action.”

Parent Guide to English Learner Tests

The California Department of Education, in collaboration with Smarter Balanced and Educational Testing Service (ETS), have launched two new websites for parents called “Starting Smarter” for the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) and the English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC).

These family-focused websites provide resources to facilitate parents’/guardians’ understanding of the scores presented on their child’s Student Score Reports. Using these websites, families can learn more about the performance areas in each subject and grade, see sample test questions, prepare for parent-teacher conferences with a useful downloadable guide, and access high-quality resources to support learning at home. The websites are also available in Spanish.

Visit and to learn more.