Why Wednesday? 10/16/2019

It’s Why Wednesday! Why should your unit budget to attend Convention?

Convention is THE place to come for:

  • Training opportunities
  • Amazing speakers
  • Networking with other PTA leaders from around the state
  • Participating in the business of the association
  • A unique opportunity to meet vendors

Classes have included: key officer training (President, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, and others), classes for Council or District leaders, managing conflict, communication strategies, tips for managing teen stress, running your Reflections program, membership, and many more classes.

We have special events, our Reflections gallery, a vendor hall, the PTA Store to visit, and lots of fun to be had!

In addition to all that we also do the business of the organization. We approve amendments, vote of a legislative platform as well as legislative policies and procedures, and adopt resolutions. In the conventions that take place in odd years, we also elect officers.

Plan to join us in Riverside May 15-17, 2020 for the 121st California State PTA Convention!

Why Wednesday? 10/2/2019

It’s Why Wednesday! Why should you listen to the new National PTA podcast?

As members of the PTA, we naturally want what is best for all children. This 30 minute or less podcast is full of information designed to fit into our busy lives. The first few topics include: The Truth About School Discipline in America, How is Your Kid Really Doing in School, What Every Middle School Parent Should Know, and Recess: Is It Just for Play? They interview experts in the field and give you the most up-to-date research on the topics. The best part is you can listen while you are exercising, sitting in the car, or anyplace when you have a few spare minutes! Enjoy it by clicking here.

Why Wednesday? 9/25/2019

It’s Why Wednesday! What are resolutions?

Q: Our PTA unit/council/district wants to change ….
Q: How can our PTA address the issue of …..
Q: Our PTSA is concerned about …..

A: Write a PTA Resolution – it’s our way of calling attention to a problem and/or a need for action on an issue impacting children and families

We’ve all been there – there’s a local issue or concern and we know it’s something that happens throughout the state. As the nation’s largest volunteer-led child-advocacy association working to drive improvements in the education, health, and well-being of all children and families, our members are quick to identify problems or situations with state (or nationwide) implications.

But we don’t know how to bring the PTA’s attention to the issue or make a statewide change.

Good news, local issues can become California State PTA resolutions. A resolution is one way to bring attention to the issue and authorize PTA action. These resolutions offer official guidance on wide-ranging issues, including in just the past few years, dyslexia, school-finance, health & safety, and early care & education, (see the full list of existing CAPTA Resolutions https://capta.org/focus-areas/advocacy/resolutions/)

Every year resolutions are presented for consideration and adoption by our membership at our annual California State PTA convention. The deadline to submit the first draft of a resolution for the 2020 CAPTA Convention is November 1, 2019. The State’s Resolution Committee is available to answer questions and provide mentoring support in advance of the draft deadline.

So tell us, what issue or question concerns you now?

Looking for more information? Read our Digital publication: “Procedure for Preparing for a PTA Resolution” http://downloads.capta.org/res/ResolutionProcedures.pdf. Or reach out to our Resolution Committee Chair Robin Klau with questions or assistance: rklau@capta.org 916-440-1985 ext 324

Why Wednesday? 9/4/19

It’s Why Wednesday! Q: What are the back to school steps for jump starting the Reflections program? State Reflections Chair, Lisa Snowiss gives us some great tips!

Reflections Quick Start:

  1. Learn about the program in the Reflections Leader’s Guide. The Guide provides all the tools you’ll need in 6 easy steps.
  2. Get your school administration and staff on board by asking for a few minutes to discuss the Reflections program at a faculty meeting.
  3. Publicize! Publicize! Publicize! Announce at assemblies, E-Blasts and social media.
  4. Host an art night with focus on the Reflections art categories. Have a photographer talk about how to take photos. Have an artist demonstrate art techniques. Have musicians do an interactive demo. The ideas are endless.
  5. Have an art workshop during lunch. Provide art supplies and writing materials. Ask the students what “Look Within” means to them. Let them create and send them home with their artwork and an entry form.

Why Wednesday? 8/28/19

It’s Why Wednesday! Q: Why should my school participate in the Reflections program? Lisa Snowiss, state Reflections Chair, answers your question:

Because it…

  1. Allows students to express themselves to a new theme every year.
  2. Builds PTA awareness because only students from a school with a PTA or PTSA may participate.
  3. Levels the playing field for underserved students.
  4. Develops the whole child and nurtures creativity.
  5. Connects family, schools and communities.
  6. Is FUN!

Why Wednesday? 8/7/19

It’s Why Wednesday! Q: Why does California State PTA have a Board of Directors?

A: The Board of Directors operates much like your executive board does at the unit level. We meet monthly to continue to do the business of the organization, we make recommendations to the Board of Managers, and we make sure the organization is compliant with all its fiduciary requirements. We are all unpaid volunteers, just like you! This week we are meeting prior to our first Board of Managers meeting and we invite you to see a glimpse of what we do.

Every Wednesday on the blog and on social media, we will be answering the most commonly asked questions about PTA. Do you have any questions we can answer for Why Wednesday? There are four ways to send us your questions:

  1. Complete this form: forms.gle/iy6z2mJoQbiehS6L6
  2. Tweet us @CaliforniaPTA
  3. Send us a Facebook message at www.facebook.com/CaliforniaPTA/ or comment on a Why Wednesday post
  4. Email communications@capta.org.

Why Wednesday? 7/24/19

It’s Why Wednesday! Q: Why is there so much paperwork in PTA?

A: We have been working to streamline some of the paperwork to try to make your life easier. This includes creating fillable versions of some of the most commonly used forms, which are available online in our Online Toolkit at toolkit.capta.org.

Every 501(c)3 non-profit is a business and is required to keep track of and report to government agencies about their activities, especially financial activities. California State PTA has created forms, policies, and procedures that help our unit officers and volunteers meet all legal requirements to operate a public charity in California. Paper trails are also necessary to make sure that every PTA and its officers and members are covered by insurance and to prevent fraud and misuse of PTA resources.

Every Wednesday on the blog and on social media, we will be answering the most commonly asked questions about PTA. Do you have any questions we can answer for Why Wednesday? There are four ways to send us your questions:

  1.  Complete this form: forms.gle/iy6z2mJoQbiehS6L6
  2. Tweet us @CaliforniaPTA
  3. Send us a Facebook message at www.facebook.com/CaliforniaPTA/ or comment on a Why Wednesday post
  4. Email communications@capta.org.

Why Wednesday? 7/17/19

 It’s Why Wednesday! Q: Why PTA and not another parent group?

A: When you are a PTA, you have multiple levels of support. We have comprehensive insurance that covers your activities and volunteers for the entire year for a very reasonable rate. We provide amazing training opportunities, both online and in person to help build stronger leaders. We are the largest volunteer child advocacy organization in the nation and we do great things on behalf of children and families!

Every Wednesday on the blog and on social media, we will be answering the most commonly asked questions about PTA. Do you have any questions we can answer for Why Wednesday? There are four ways to send us your questions:

  1.  Complete this form: forms.gle/iy6z2mJoQbiehS6L6 
  2. Tweet us @CaliforniaPTA
  3. Send us a Facebook message at www.facebook.com/CaliforniaPTA/ or comment on a Why Wednesday post
  4. Email communications@capta.org.

Why Wednesday? 7/10/19

It’s Why Wednesday! Q: Why does the PTA year begin on July 1 for most units?

A: California State PTA recommends a July 1 to June 30 fiscal year is because it is an “academic calendar” year.  Most educational related entities (school districts, colleges etc.) use an academic calendar and by using the same calendar, PTAs are better able to seamlessly interact with the schools they work with. This fiscal year also has the benefit of allowing unit officers time to train and plan before the school year begins.

Every Wednesday on the blog and on social media, we will be answering the most commonly asked questions about PTA. Do you have any questions we can answer for Why Wednesday? There are four ways to send us your questions:

  1.  Complete this form: forms.gle/iy6z2mJoQbiehS6L6 
  2. Tweet us @CaliforniaPTA
  3. Send us a Facebook message at www.facebook.com/CaliforniaPTA/ or comment on a Why Wednesday post
  4. Email communications@capta.org.

Why Wednesday? Information

Every Wednesday on the blog and on social media, we will be answering the most commonly asked questions about PTA. If you have any questions that you would like for us to answer you have four ways to get them to us:

  1.  Complete this form: forms.gle/iy6z2mJoQbiehS6L6 
  2. Tweet us @CaliforniaPTA
  3. Send us a Facebook message at www.facebook.com/CaliforniaPTA/ or comment on a Why Wednesday post

Email communications@capta.org.