PTA Leaders

Checklist for a Healthy PTA

Membership Enrollment

❏ Is an initial membership campaign held toward the beginning of the school year?
❏ Are continuing opportunities provided for parents and staff to join? (Membership is year-round.)
❏ Is membership per capita sent through channels at least monthly and by deadlines?


❏ Is an attendance record kept for all meetings?
❏ Are minutes kept for all meetings?
❏ Are all action items recorded, including approval of budget, all expenses and all fundraising activities?


❏ Are bylaws reviewed yearly and updated (sent through channels for approval) every two years?

Financial Procedures

❏ Are financial procedures in accordance with recommended PTA policies and procedures?
❏ Is the budget approved and actual revenues and expenditures compared at least quarterly?
❏ Is the insurance premium and the workers comp form/remittance sent in by deadline?
❏ Are all checks signed by two authorized officers? And are all expenditures properly authorized?

Treasurer’s Reports

❏ Are written reports presented/filed monthly? Are balances, receipts and disbursements recorded in the minutes each month?
❏ Is each check approved/ratified and listed?
❏ Are reports presented at both executive board and association meetings?

Financial Reviews

❏ Are financial reviews prepared and adopted in accordance with the bylaws and PTA financial procedures?
❏ Are financial reviews conducted at least twice a year? And whenever there is a change in check signers?

Annual Reports

❏ Are volunteer hours being recorded?
❏ Are annual reports filed by the deadline?


❏ Do members of the executive board work well together?
❏ Does the PTA attract and retain new leadership?
❏ Are new, qualified candidates nominated for office each year?
❏ Do leaders attend council/district PTA meetings and take advantage of training opportunities?
❏ Do leaders communicate effectively with members?