Arts-Education Strategies in California LCAPs

artseducation_lcfftoolkitThe Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) offers historic opportunities for school districts to set new, locally-driven priorities aimed at improving outcomes for students who are often underserved in public schools. Arts education aligns with LCFF goals and contributes to a set of unique skills and outcomes that are shown to help students succeed in school and in life.

In the coming weeks and months, districts will be updating their Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAP) to determine priorities and funding for the coming years. The California Alliance for Arts Education in partnership with Arts for LA and LA County’s Arts for All has created a set of materials and trainings to empower advocates to contribute to these important conversations, educating officials about the benefits of arts education. Here are helpful advocacy materials courtesy of the California Alliance for Arts Education, of which California State PTA is a member:

For more information and materials, visit the California Alliance for Arts Education’s LCFF Toolkit.

Creative Connection: Everything Arts and Arts Education

Creative Connection Screen Shot

The Creative Connection newsletter raises awareness about the relevance of the arts in increasing academic achievement, building a vibrant, productive society, and providing opportunities to share best practices.

Take a look at the most recent issues of Creative Connection:




Blueprint for Creative Schools: Elevating Arts to a Core Subject

A Blueprint for Creative SchoolsAn arts education task force formed by California Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson is calling for arts education to be elevated to a core subject and be available to all students.

“We have been extremely fortunate to have such a knowledgeable and creative group committed to helping our state rebuild its infrastructure for arts education,” Torlakson said. “The picture they paint is one of a relevant, robust and dynamic curriculum to keep kids in schools, narrow the achievement gap and give students an opportunity to discover and develop their individual talents. But they also highlight the need to make certain all students have access to arts education so they can explore their own artistic vision.”

California State PTA representatives served on the group that developed the Blueprint, and the association is part of the CREATE CA Coalition dedicated to building public will around the recommendations.

Download and view a copy of the Blueprint for Creative Schools.