Financial Information & Resources for your PTA


Every year California State PTA compiles a packet of financial information and resources to help your PTA run the financial side of your organization. Typically, PTA presidents receive the Financial Mailing in the fall and all PTA officers can view and download the packet from the California State PTA Leaders’ website. 

Check out the Leaders’ Website to download the contents for the 2024-2025 Financial Mailing.

View the Leaders’ Website

Most of the materials in the Financial Mailing are available in both English and Spanish. They include:

  • Tax Filing Support Center Information
  • State of California Attorney General’s Tips and Resources for Charities
  • PTA as an Employer – What You Need to Know
  • The PTA Insurance Guide  English and Spanish

Leadership Essentials: Tips to Help Strengthen Your PTA

Leadership Essentials is just for PTA leaders, featuring timely information and reminders about issues, tasks and responsibilities at any level. Plus, you’ll find helpful tips and news to help strengthen your PTA and leadership skills.

Take a look at the latest issues of Leadership Essentials:





Lourdes Beleche: Putting the ‘T’ in PTA

lourdes_beleche_teacherLourdes Beleche is all about the kids.

A nominee for this year’s Contra Costa County Office of Education Teacher of the Year, Lourdes has taught several grades — including bilingual classes — at Concord’s Cambridge Elementary School (Mt. Diablo Council, Thirty-Second District PTA) for 19 years.

“I love watching students make connections with things they are learning about,” she said. “I love seeing them learn from each other and have discussions, arguments and defend their opinions.”

And in addition to her nearly two decades of teaching dedication, Lourdes is a dedicated PTA member inspired by her mother.

“Even though my mom didn’t speak English, she joined the PTA and volunteered at our elementary school – Nestor Elementary – setting an example for me,” she said.

“Teachers are the ‘T’ in PTA,” added Lourdes, noting how important it is for teachers to be involved. “I believe that, if we want parents to be active on campus, we also need to step out of the classroom and work side-by-side with them.”

Do you know an inspiring PTA volunteer or member like Lourdes? Let us know: Share your story with


Running Your PTA… Made Easy

One of the wonderful benefits of belonging to PTA is the support system it offers.

Running Your PTA… Made Easy provides simplified summaries of the PTA basics that all PTA board members should know. It covers meetings, recruiting volunteers, finance, membership and more.

Reading this basic guide will enhance your experience as a PTA leader and provide you with information on topics you will be likely to reference throughout your term of office.

Download here.

Engaging Men in PTA

There are more than 70 million fathers in the United States. That means 70 million possibilities for PTA membership, inclusion, engagement and strength for our schools and kids.

One out of every three children in America —more than 24 million in total — live in a home without their biological father present, according to a 2012 White House Fatherhood Report.  And, roughly one out of every three Hispanic children and more than half of African-American children also live in homes without their biological fathers.

More engaged fathers and father figures — whether living with or apart from their children — can help foster a child’s healthy physical, emotional and social development.  There’s no doubt of the positive impact male role models can have on their children’s lives.


DadsRecruiting men as PTA members may mean rethinking how your PTA is run on a day-to-day basis. If your PTA mostly relies on female caregivers, reaching out to men may involve breaking down barriers and trying new approaches and strategies:

  • Communicate directly to men – How you and your PTA speak to members and potential members can impact the level of men’s involvement. Simply slimming down language and shortening messages in your communications can be more appealing to male readership. And be always sure to explain and emphasize how men’s unique involvement benefits kids.
  • Just ask – Nearly half of men who responded to a recent National PTA survey said they haven’t gotten involved with PTA simply because they weren’t asked. Those involved said their spouses’ participation led to their own involvement. So, encourage women in your PTA to invite the men in their children’s lives to get involved, and take your PTA to places with large male contingents – such as service clubs – to share our message and ask for participation and membership.
  • Create men-focused groups and events – Surveys also show that men prefer to volunteer for hands-on projects and men-only events with clear expectations. So, organize special events and groups for men to enjoy working on and being involved with together and define volunteer roles and expectations.
  • Respect men’s time – More than 70 percent of recently surveyed men said time was a barrier to PTA involvement, and the majority said they wanted fewer meetings at more convenient times. Make efforts to schedule workdays in mind for all parents and organize results-driven meetings with clear agendas and topics.
  • Celebrate engagement – When you start getting more men involved, it’s great to celebrate! Letting the school community know will help emphasize and publicize your welcoming environment for all parents and members. Thank men publicly at meetings and in your PTA communications, and always encourage more male membership – we’re all in it together for our kids!






California’s education system is changing fast. You want to help. Learn how it all fits together with Ed100!

California State PTA and teamed up to help parents learn more about education so you can help create better schools.

Explore the education system in easy-to-understand language. No jargon. No partisan slant. Written by education experts who know Sacramento and local schools.

Ed100 is a free online resource that prepares you to make a difference in your school or school district. It helps you learn what you need to know to be informed, credible and ready for action.


Every California child deserves a great education. With Ed100, you can be part of the solution.


Ed100 Parent Leader Guide

The Parent Leader Guide provides “ready-to-go” plans for parent meetings. We want to help you hold meetings that matter. It’s all here: Lessons, discussion prompts, handouts and suggestions for taking action.



Arts Engagement

Unfortunately, fewer than half of all students in California get any kinds of arts education, despite it being mandated in our state education code. California falls well below the national average in terms of numbers of students receiving any kind of arts instruction. This puts our students at a disadvantage both academically and professionally, and they deserve better.

There are things you can do to support arts education, and help put California back on top!


Here are 15 ways to improve arts education in California, grouped by the level of commitment each requires:




  1. Find ways to #CreateAtHome with Create CA‘s resources
  2. Subscribe to Creative Connection, PTA’s arts newsletter
  3. Record a 30-second video
  4. Download the Parents’ Guide to the Visual and Performing Arts
  5. Join California State PTA!


  1. When you resume in-person PTA meetings, set aside time to talk about arts education
  2. When the COVID-19 pandemic has ended, talk to your principal about adding a new art class at your child’s school
  3. Attend a virtual event or exhibit at a local theater, arts center, or museum
  4. Check out your local community’s arts education data
  5. Encourage a student you know to create an art project at home, and submit it to the next Reflections art program competition
  1. When the COVID-19 pandemic has ended, attend an LCAP meeting and ask your district to set aside funding for the arts
  2. Write a letter of support to your local school board
  3. Host a virtual “coffee and arts education” evening in your community
  4. Ask your school district to adopt the Declaration of Student Rights
  5. Encourage your school district to become an Arts Equity District


Research shows that learning arts subjects alongside math, history, science and English has an exponential effect on student success. For example, students who have an arts education achieve more A grades (in all subjects), have better attendance, are more likely to graduate from high school, and have better critical thinking, collaboration and social-emotional skills than those who don’t. This is especially true for English language learners and students from low-income backgrounds.

The good news continues even after high school. Kids with an arts education are more likely to graduate from college, and are more likely to pursue a professional career. Creative arts learning also boosts chances for employment once kids become adults and move into the working world: 72% of business leaders – across all industries – say that creativity is the #1 skill they are seeking, and one out of every 10 jobs in California is in a creative industry.


Be sure to watch this video from the California Alliance for Arts Education on how arts education is being implemented in Chula Vista – and making a difference in the lives of children.

Bylaws and Standing Rules

Bylaws are designed to help your PTA function in an orderly manner. PTA bylaws describe the purpose of PTA and its mission, and members’ rights, in addition to officers, committees and their respective duties.

A copy of the association’s Bylaws for the Local PTA/PTSA Units must be made available to any association member upon request. A copy should be provided to all officers and board members. Each executive board member is responsible for making a thorough study of them.

Visit the Leaders’ Website for additional information on the essential role of bylaws

Visit the Leaders Website


Bylaws should be reviewed annually, and updated every five (5) years by the bylaws committee of the association, chaired by the parliamentarian. The procedures and instructions to complete the bylaws are found inside the front cover of each set of bylaws.

Electronic bylaws are now available (in English), and are highly recommended!

Check out eBylaws

Instructions for bylaw review:

English   Spanish

When the California State PTA approves changes to the standard bylaws for local PTA/PTSA units, the change is effective for all PTAs/PTSAs whether the printed copy being used by your PTA includes that change or not.

Note: Any change in the association’s bylaws, including the number of officers, positions, or membership dues amounts may not be implemented until bylaws have been submitted through channels (council and district PTAs) to the California State PTA parliamentarian for approval.

This means that your PTA must continue to charge the stated dues amount, elect the stated officers, and hold meetings as provided for in your most current set of bylaws signed by the California State PTA parliamentarian. Simply adopting the amendments at an association meeting without prior state approval is not sufficient.

Most bylaws are processed by the state parliamentarian within two weeks of receipt unless additional information is required. Bylaws submitted for review should be returned to you through channels within 6-8 weeks of the original submission date. If you have not received the bylaws back within this time frame, contact your council or district parliamentarian immediately. If you need additional assistance, contact your council or district president or contact the State Parliamentarian at


Standing rules outline the procedures of the organization that are not included in the bylaws and must not conflict with the bylaws or the California State PTA Toolkit. They may be changed or amended without notice with a two-thirds (2/3rd) majority vote of the association, or a majority vote with thirty (30) days’ notice.

Some of the differences between standing rules and bylaws are:

  • Bylaws state when the meetings of the association are held.
  • Standing rules tell where and what time association meetings are held, and when executive board meetings are held.
  • Bylaws give the primary responsibilities of officers and chairmen.
  • Standing rules give the specifics.

If the bylaws state that the first vice president is responsible for programs, the standing rules would list the various special committee chairmen who work under that vice president, such as Founders Day, Honorary Service Awards, etc. The bylaws describe the authority of committees. Standing rules indicate which committees are standing committees whose chairmen are voting members of the executive board and which committees are special committees, whose chairmen do not have executive board voting privileges and to which executive board member they report.

If the organization has supplies or equipment, the standing rules would state who is responsible for them and where they would be kept. They might also list details of the installation of officers, and who has responsibility for securing the past president’s pin.

Visit the Leaders’ Website for additional information on Standing Rules

Visit the Leaders Website

Building Membership and Marketing PTA

Here are a few easy-to-use tools and resources to help you plan and promote your PTA membership campaign during the back-to-school season — and all year long! Check back soon for announcements on membership training webinars. Stay tuned for the announcement of the 2024-2025 Membership Incentives.


Organizing and running a PTA membership campaign can be fun — and easy! Visit our Online Training Center to access recent membership and marketing webinar recordings. Visit the training center for more videos and resources.


ToolkitLooking for new ideas to increase PTA membership at your school? How about ways to engage students or teachers in PTA? Check out these great ideas and resources:


  • Membership Envelopes: Available now at a low-cost to local PTA units. Contact your district PTA to place your order today!
  • Membership Cards: Cardstock membership cards are available through your district PTA. To print member names on the cardstock membership card, a downloadable Word template is available. Membership cards should be given to members at the point of sale. Remind your members to create a “PTA Profile” to gain access to national membership resources and year-round savings from PTA member benefit providers. Download the template.


Social media and website logos and graphics can help reinforce the PTA brand.






No need to write that invitation letter from scratch! Here’s an easy way to invite your parents, school staff and community members to join your PTA: the customizable marketing flier. Simply customize by filling in the blanks on the template, add a few photos and quotes, and save it to your computer. Your customized membership flier can be sent out electronically or copied and distributed at PTA or community events. Print out the flier in color or black and white, attach a PTA membership envelope, and your membership campaign is on its way! Take a look at a sample flier.

Ready-to-Print Fliers and Resources

California State PTA and National PTA offer a variety of FREE resources in multiple languages – ready to download, print and share with parents and families at your school.


CAPTA_WebSide_PromoteYourPTA_1Presenting a polished and professional image is important in building membership for your PTA. The PTA Store offers great marketing materials to help you promote your PTA, including a new design featuring California State PTA’s message “Connecting Families, Schools and Communities.”




We want to hear about all the great membership marketing strategies your PTA is putting into place. Share your PTA success stories with us.




We know people join PTA to support children and their schools. But PTA Member Perks can help make joining PTA an even greater value.

Click here to download and share the latest Member Perks flier with your members!


California State PTA also remains committed to assisting councils and districts through the onboarding process. No unit will be turned on in the system without the district or council knowledge and approval. The California State PTA e-membership team is available for field services, regional and local trainings, or by email and phone. If you have any questions or would like to request a field service, please email

All of your feedback and input are being taken very seriously. Please feel free to send any questions or feedback to We will keep you posted as we progress in this important work to build membership and strengthen PTA.