Eleven Ways to Draw a Crowd to Your PTA Meetings

By Heather Ippolito, Vice President for Family Engagement

PTA units are always asking our state leaders “How can we get more people to attend our association meetings and events?” The Leadership Services and Family Engagement commissions teamed up and found some really great strategies to help answer this question that you might want to try in the upcoming school year.*

  1. Have snacks.
  2. Partner with the school to offer childcare.
  3. Offer translation and interpretation services so that EVERY parent can participate in your meeting. (Note: You also need to invite them in their home language.)
  4. Play music as they enter to give the room a fun atmosphere — we know PTA meetings aren’t boring, but other parents might have that impression.
  5. Have opportunity drawings for all in attendance. You can give away spirit wear, homework passes, or gift cards that have been donated by local businesses. 
  6. Incorporate a student performance as part of your meeting. Parents love to see their kids sing, dance, show off that poster or project they’ve been working on, etc.
  7. Give a homework pass to every parent who attends. Work with your school principal on this particular incentive to make sure that every teacher is on board with this incentive.
  8. Provide parent education at your meeting. We have seen success with inviting the local library to talk about reading programs, the sheriff to talk about bullying or biking safety, or even asking your principal to share about different issues impacting parents. This is a great chance to work with the organizations in your community since they often offer free programs that families will find useful.
  9. Bring in guest speakers. Your guests can either be entertaining or educational, but oftentimes a new name can draw a large audience.  
  10. Pair your meeting with another event. You could have your meeting right before the Family Math Night on campus or at the bowling alley before Family Bowling Night — either way you are far more likely to draw a crowd.
  11. Finally, really think about the time and location of your meeting. Are you meeting at a time that’s good for you, or a time that is good for your families? Is your meeting location convenient? Many units think the school is the only place for a meeting, but we do have other options. We can meet at a park, the library, a community center, or other places where our parents frequent. Really be intentional in asking our families the best times and places to meet.

*Note: We know that this year may still have a combination of in-person, virtual, and hybrid events and meetings. Many of these ideas can be adaptable to your particular needs.

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Family Engagement Friday 8/23/19

Where can I find resources to increase engagement on the California State PTA website?

Ideas to encourage family-school partnerships: www.capta.org/focus-areas/family-engagement/family-school-partnerships

In this section of the website, you will find the partnership guide that was written by National PTA and updated for the LCAP/LCFF by California State PTA. You will also find practical tips for getting involved in the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) and ideas for engagement both at school and at home.

Dad involvement: www.capta.org/focus-areas/family-engagement/dad-involvement

Men being involved in their children’s schooling is a powerful thing. This section of the website you can see the benefits of having more men involved on your campus.

Preparing for college: www.capta.org/focus-areas/family-engagement/preparing-for-college

Getting ready for life after high school is intimidating for parents. Helping parents at every level of schooling understand how to help their child prepare for college or a career is a perfect way to get families engaged on your campus. Even elementary parents should be thinking ahead, because time flies very quickly!