California State PTA Education Commission and You

Quality public education is crucially important to individual families and the future of our society as a whole. California State PTA is committed to connecting families and schools by providing a range of information, resources and training to empower parents to actively participate at all levels of decision-making: from the school site to local school boards, to state and federal government bodies. When parents and families understand how the school system works, it makes education more effective and responsive for students. That’s why California State PTA has an Education Commission. 

 The California State PTA Education Commission composed of volunteers from across the state works to inform parents and families about issues impacting their child’s education. We also serve on several statewide education policy groups to weigh in on K-12 education initiatives. Some of our work includes:

  • Reviewing position statements and resolutions which provide a source of authority for PTA positions or action on legislation.
  • Serving as a member of California’s Education Coalition that brings together major statewide associations representing teachers, administrators, superintendents, and school employees who work together on state-budget and school-funding issues. 
  • Participating in quarterly Assessment Stakeholder groups.
  • Participating in the California State PTA Legislative Action Committee that monitors education legislation.
  • Attending the California State Board of Education (SBE) meetings to support laws and policies that improve the lives of all California children.
  • Developing workshops and training opportunities for PTA leaders and parents at the California State PTA Annual Convention, regional training, and other events. 
  • Attending conferences such as the K-12 Water cooler Conference, STEAM Symposium, and the EdTrust West Equity Conference to engage with leading experts in a variety of fields impacting education.

All of these efforts mean you have the reassurance that the parent voice your voice was part of the decision-making process at the highest level. It also means you have access to accurate, relevant, and trustworthy information that is readily available on the California State PTA website

The Education Commission consists of the Vice President and members of the California State PTA Board of Managers all bringing a wealth of personal and professional backgrounds and experiences to the commission.

We are focused on providing current streamlined information, developing resources PTA units can use to inform their members, and sharing updates and news about crucial education issues in California including:

  • Learning Loss/Accelerated Learning
  • Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum
  • Equitable Access to Technology
  • Student Attendance
  • Teacher and Staff Shortages
  • Social-Emotional Learning (skills such as self-discipline, how to navigate social situations, how to empathize with others, etc.)
  • Student Mental Wellness in partnership with the Health & Community Concerns Commission

We invite you to share what education topics are on your mind and what you would like to know more about. Your comments and feedback are always welcome and appreciated. Feel free to reach out to

California State PTA Communications Commission and You


Communications CommissionThe state Communications Commission’s job is to help ensure that all our members and leaders are connected and can find the information they need to do their work well. We also raise the visibility and positive image of the PTA with all families, educators, community leaders, the media, and government officials. 

The California State PTA Communications Commission composed of volunteers from across the state works to gather and prepare information, identify who needs it, and find the best way to share. Our commission collaborates with staff to:

  • ensure PTA messaging is on brand, clear, inclusive, consistent, and accurate,
  • produce monthly, weekly, and quarterly publications and emails on a variety of topics
  • promote the information, activities, events, and positions of the state PTA including our annual conferences, with various digital, print, and graphic tools.
  • plan and manage our social media to create an interactive, informative, engaged community for our members
  • curate and maintain the content on the organization’s websites, and
  • be a resource for other PTA leaders.

The Communications Commission for the 2021-23 term consists of the Vice President, six members of the California State PTA Board of Managers, and two consultants. We have a wide variety of skills and backgrounds, from programming to graphic design, video editing to copywriting, marketing to analytics, and a deep bench of PTA experience. 

In addition to our regular work, during the 2021-23 PTA term, we are proud to have developed the California State PTA Leaders Website. This site puts the state’s guidance for local PTA leaders and members in one convenient, easy-to-navigate place. We also hold monthly calls with office hours and communication-specific mini-trainings for local PTA leaders to help them improve their own communications with members in their schools and communities. 

We know communication needs to be a two-way street. Are there things you wish we’d do more of? Do you have questions about specific ways to use social media or your website? Is there a success story related to communications that you’d like to share? Let us know by sending an email to

California State PTA Convention Commission and You


ConventionCommissionEach year, PTA members and leaders from every corner of California gather for our association’s annual convention. It’s an important opportunity to meet and learn from each other, come together to conduct the vital business of our association, and be inspired to continue the work we each do. 

The Convention Commission works with the California State PTA Board of Directors and staff on every facet of the event – from registration to evaluation, from setting up the venue to clean-up, and from creating the schedule to seeing that every session goes smoothly. 

Convention is somewhat different each year, but it always includes: 

  • Workshops and trainings for both new and experienced PTA leaders
  • Inspirational keynote speakers
  • An exhibit of the student work recognized in our Reflections Art Program
  • Booths featuring exhibitors that provide programs and services to local PTAs
  • The chance to meet your counterparts from other parts of the state
  • And much, much more.

Watch the California State PTA Convention page and social media for more information.

The Convention Commission for the 2021-23 term consists of the Vice President and 10 members of the California State PTA Board of Managers.

Meet the Health and Community Concerns Commission

Health & Community CommissionCalifornia State PTAs Health and Community Concerns Commission addresses issues related to the support of the whole child within the home, school, and community through relevant programs and through advocacy at the state and local level. 

The commission has two areas of responsibility that overlap. They include promoting effective health education programs and services in schools and communities and addressing the many other community issues that impact our families and students. 

The topics that fall under the umbrella of community concerns address areas that touch young people outside of classroom learning, including:

  • Strengthening public services for children and families (e.g. child-care facilities and personnel licensing, coordination of children’s services, delinquency prevention, and family preservation)
  • Support for the most vulnerable children and families (e.g. child support, foster care, homelessness, missing and exploited children)
  • Keeping communities safe places in which children and families thrive (e.g. disaster preparedness, environmental protection, safety education, school safety)
  • Protecting young people from criminal activity (e.g. child abuse, youth violence, vandalism, gangs, and cults)

The topics that are related to health issues and education includes:

  • Supporting immunization legislation to protect vulnerable children
  • Promoting comprehensive health education taught by qualified personnel as an integral part of the core school curriculum
  • Supporting efforts to provide equal access to quality, affordable, basic, and preventive healthcare for all children, youth, pregnant women, and their families
  • Supporting solutions that enable all children with chronic illness or other healthcare needs to be safe in California schools, such as by promoting education of parents and school personnel on the complexities of disease management
  • Educating families to recognize the importance of a healthy environment and the potential dangers that environmental contamination poses for children’s developing minds and bodies
  • Bringing greater awareness of behavior-health issues and social/emotional development through collaborating with the school community and creating a full range of services to help all kids thrive
  • Advocating for statewide health programs, and actively participating on a wide variety of statewide committees addressing mental, physical, and environmental health issues

Local PTA members and leaders benefit from the work of the Health and Community Concerns Commission by having up to date and accurate, reliable resources at their fingertips in the Resource library and Health and Community Concerns web pages.  The commission is continually working to update our resources and provide trustworthy information for our members.

If you would like to share a resource with the commission, please refer to this page and email the commission at either or with your resource.  

The Health and Community Concerns Commission for the 2021-2023 term consists of the Vice President and 11 members of the California State PTA Board of Managers. Our volunteer leaders from across the state work to support collaborations among caregivers, schools, communities, institutions, agencies and organizations which are essential to the health, wellbeing and academic success of California’s children and youth.

Meet the Leadership Services Commission

The California State PTA Leadership Services Commission strengthens and extends the work of PTA in all arenas, and enhances the influence and public understanding of PTA, its purpose, and work. 

Commission  activities include: 

  • Opportunities for leadership development
  • Training for unit, council, and district PTAs 
  • Guidance  to unit, council, and district PTAs to help them in strengthening, organizing, reorganizing, or in rare cases disbanding their associations 

Supporting PTA Leaders throughout the state

The California State PTA Leadership Services Commission is composed of volunteers from across the state. The Commission works to provide local, regional and district leaders with the support they need. The commission focuses on ensuring good governance, leadership and teamwork skills, financial safeguards and transparency. The commissioners mentor districts and encourage practices which engage members, increase participation, are inclusive and welcome all families.  Leaders are trained in the use of parliamentary procedure to ensure all members have a fair opportunity to express their opinions at meetings. 

Some of our work includes: 

  • Training District and Council PTA leaders, and assisting PTA Districts in 27 regions across the state with their leadership trainings throughout the year
  • Communicating directly with PTA leaders statewide via the weekly Tuesday social media posts Leadership Tips and the monthly, live PTA Leadership Call  
  • Providing timely guidance via the California State PTA Blog and in PTA publications
  • Developing workshops and training opportunities for PTA leaders and members  at the California State PTA Annual Convention
  • Informing PTA leaders about federal and state reporting requirements
  • Mentoring District PTA leaders as they assist units and councils
  • Maintaining content on the California State PTA website including the California State PTA Toolkit, Finance, Job Descriptions and Forms sections, Leadership Development Presentations (LDPs) and more

Making it easy to run your PTA

The Leadership Services Commission keeps unit leaders informed of best practices to develop high-functioning PTAs. The annual Leaders Welcome Packet and publication Running Your PTA…Made Easy, both available on provide easy to understand guidance in a colorful format in English and Spanish. 

The packet is mailed to new leaders at the beginning of the term and serves as a valuable tool throughout the year. 

Commission members

The Leadership Services Commission consists of the Vice President for Leadership Services and eleven members of the California State PTA Board of Directors and Board of Managers. Commissioners are chosen for their vast experience and expertise with PTA positions and topics such as governance, finance, and bylaws and parliamentary procedure, and to ensure representation from throughout the state. 

Here to help

The Leadership Services Commission recognizes that PTA leaders and schools throughout the state are emerging from the strain of the pandemic isolation. The challenge of reconnecting with members is real. To help leaders accomplish the purposeful work of PTA, the commission will provide the tools, training and support to 

  • Adopt proven, nonprofit business practices
  • Expand diverse adult engagement 
  • Inspire volunteers and develop leaders
  • Increase parent education and family  engagement 
  • Advocate in support of children and families
  • Support students and staff in classrooms
  • Promote PTA beyond the schoolhouse doors with the entire community

The Leadership Services Commission enthusiastically welcomes leader ideas and best practice suggestions from officers, chairs, and members, to be shared with PTAs throughout California. While every PTA is unique, there are common experiences that unite us. When we know others have similar experiences, we can learn from their successes and challenges, and achieve so much more. Contact us today with your suggestions or questions at

California State PTA Legislation Team and You

Legislation Team Commission

PTA began, in 1897, as an advocacy organization with a nationwide campaign to eliminate threats that endangered children. Today, one of the important roles of the California State PTA is to advocate for policies and laws that improve the lives of all California children, youth and families. PTA continues to highlight critical education funding issues and to ensure the importance of family engagement in public schools. In addition, California State PTA supports policies and legislation that help youth and families meet their essential needs.

The California State PTA Legislation Team — composed of volunteers from across the state — works to support the organization’s advocacy goals, which are as follows:

  • Advocate to achieve justice for all children, youth and families to have their essential needs met. 
  • Advocate for shared power and belonging for all children, youth and families to address the impacts of systemic and institutionalized injustice. 
  • Advocate for a full and culturally responsive curriculum to meet the diverse needs of our student population. 
  • Elevate the student voice to create an inclusive, positive and supportive school climate. 
  • Promote physical and mental wellness beginning in early childhood. 
  • Advocate for stable and sustainable public school resources to bring California within the top 10 states in per-pupil funding.

Some of our work includes: 

  • Researching and voting to take positions on bills brought by advocates in the areas of community concerns, health, education, family engagement, budget, and federal legislation.
  • Informing local members and leaders about California State PTA positions through monthly legislation calls, monthly legislative updates, blog posts and articles in PTA Connects.
  • Explaining the use of California State PTA resolutions and position statements as authorities for taking positions on bills or ballot measures. 
  • Updating and reviewing the legislation platform, and California PTA legislation policies.
  • Studying, taking positions on and coordinating advocacy for statewide ballot measures and referendums.
  • Serving as a resource for local members and leaders.

Advocacy at the state level enables California State PTA to support youth and families across the state. Local members and leaders may use California State PTA’s positions on legislation to engage in local advocacy in their own communities. The Legislation Team provides support and is a resource for local PTAs as they conduct studies or effect change in their own communities . 

The Legislation Team for the 2021-23 term consists of the Director of Legislation and eight members of the California State PTA Board of Managers. Our Legislation Team reflects the diversity found in California with team members representing geographic, racial, socioeconomic, languages spoken and age diversity. Our team members have children of all ages which gives them insight into the varying issues facing today’s youth.  In addition to their PTA roles the advocates are engaged in a variety of career fields and other community involvement.