Sample interview questions are used by a Nominating Committee. Nominating Committees are encouraged to add questions specific to their PTAs, their communities and the position for which the candidate is applying.
Download our sample questions.
Sample interview questions are used by a Nominating Committee. Nominating Committees are encouraged to add questions specific to their PTAs, their communities and the position for which the candidate is applying.
Download our sample questions.
The purpose of the nominating committee is to recognize and seek qualified nominees for the elected leadership of the PTA. The members of the committee, therefore, have a tremendous influence on the future of the PTA and should be selected carefully.
Download the nomination and application sample form.
The committee needs a balance of newer and more experienced PTA members, all of whom should be knowledgeable about PTA and who are:
Don’t overlook student and teacher members.
The election of the nominating committee should not be a popularity contest based on willingness to serve nor should it consist of the PTA executive board. The PTA president never serves on the committee, and the parliamentarian serves only when elected to serve. The principal may be elected, but should at least be an advisor to the group. No person may serve on the committee for two consecutive years. Be sure to elect your nominating committee wisely!
Download the report of the nominating committee.
The nominating committee is the only PTA committee that is not appointed by the president. This committee is elected by the membership at least two months prior to the election of officers. Determining when to elect the committee and how many people to elect is outlined in your unit bylaws. Don’t forget to elect alternates, in the event an elected committee member cannot attend a committee meeting. Most units should be electing the nominating committee no later than January or February for the election of officers in March or early April.
Download our checklist.
Congratulations on your election or appointment! Here are your first monthly steps as membership chair.
Download our timeline here.
Start your year off right! Make sure to complete your checklist the previous year. The first association meeting of the year is the time to make sure that your association (the membership) approves all plans.
Download our checklist here.
Share all the many resources that California State PTA has with your school principal.
It’s never too early – or too late – to plan for your child’s college future and to develop your college-savings road map! California State PTA and ScholarShare, California’s 529 College Savings Plan, are teaming up to raise awareness about the importance of saving for college.
Here are a few steps you can take to develop a college savings road map for your child:
Parents of high-school students — be sure to check out this helpful flier from California Community Colleges, California State University and University of California about the new assessments and college placement.