Your voice matters in the business of the association! Voting delegates are issued a voting card at registration. These cards cannot be transferred or replaced. It is the responsibility of each voting delegate to ensure he or she receives and signs this card at registration.
A delegate representing a unit in good standing is eligible to vote at the California State PTA Annual Convention general meetings. A unit in good standing is one that has paid dues and insurance to California State PTA by March 31, 2025 (California State PTA Bylaws, Article VI, Section 1). If your membership increases to meet the next threshold before the March 31, 2025 deadline, you will be entitled to an additional voting delegate. This is an extra reminder to make sure you are all caught up on remitting your members to your council or district.
Each unit in good standing is entitled to be represented at the California State PTA Annual Convention by the president or president-elect, or an elected alternate and one additional elected delegate (California State PTA Bylaws, Article XV, Section 5). The number of delegates to which a unit is entitled is determined by the total memberships recorded in the California State PTA office by March 31, 2025. (California State PTA Bylaws, Article XV, Section 3). The number of delegates is set forth in Article XV, Section 5, of the California State PTA Bylaws. Each unit of more than 250 members may be represented by additional elected delegates or their alternates (California State PTA Bylaws, Article XV, Section 5) as follows:
Both voting and non-voting delegates are welcome to attend the convention. Individuals indicating that they are your unit voting delegate will need to certify/attest that they are your unit voting delegate. It is important for each unit to designate its voting delegates. Voting delegates can be designated in your standing rules by virtue of the office or by a vote of your PTA.
A delegate shall not be allowed to represent more than one unit and must have been a member of that unit at least 30 days prior to convention or a member of a unit at a feeder school, where applicable. This shall not apply to units organized within 90 days prior to convention (California State PTA Bylaws, Article XV, Section 5). Note: you must register as a full-time attendee when you are a voting delegate.
A student member between 12 and 18 years of age wishing to register MUST present a current PTA membership card and a Parent/Guardian Approval and Consent to Treatment Form signed by a parent(s) or guardian(s). *Coming Soon
Council delegates shall be as follows: one delegate or alternate elected from each council executive board, in addition to the council president or president-elect or elected alternate for a maximum of two voting delegates per council (California State PTA Bylaws, Article XV, Section 3c).
District presidents register as members of the California State PTA Board of Managers. Convention delegates shall be a maximum of three delegates or their alternates elected from each district PTA executive board, one of the delegates being the president-elect in an election year (California State PTA Bylaws, Article XV, Section 3b).
Non-voting participants will receive a convention badge and tote bag and may attend all meetings and workshops. They have all the privileges of a voting delegate except the right to make motions, debate, vote or speak at a microphone. When a PTA has more members who wish to attend than the number of delegates to which the unit, council, or district PTA is entitled, the additional participants may register as full-time or one-day non-voting.
Voting delegates should plan to attend one of the hearings held during the 2025 Convention. The hearing schedule and content will be updated the week of February 27, 2025, after the California State PTA Winter Board of Managers.