8 Tips for Families with Young Children 

By California State PTA Family Engagement Commission

Did you know that during the first three years of life, brain development is especially rapid, with more than 700 neural connections created each second? This means that more is learned — at a faster rate — than at any other time in a child’s life. That’s why parent, guardian, and caregiver interactions with infants and toddlers have long-lasting impacts on development and throughout life. As we celebrate the Week of the Young Child, April 9-15th, here are some of our favorite family engagement tips for families with young children:

  • Set up daily routines including healthy eating and sleeping habits
  • Respond to cues and clues by noticing changes in a child’s moods and habits
  • Surround a child with language by talking, reading, and singing to them
  • Encourage safe exploration, discovery, and play
  • Talk to a child about feelings and teach words to describe those feelings
  • Increase outdoor play and limit TV, video game, computer, and screen time
  • Communicate with daycare providers or preschool teachers about how your child is doing
  • Recognize that each child is unique

For more information on early childhood development, including how to select the best preschool for your child, visit our website.