Electronic Membership Makes it Easy to Join PTA

by Membership Services Commission


A few years ago, at the request of our local leaders, California State PTA created the online membership system known as Totem. Since its unveiling, over 2,400 PTA units have joined Totem and over 250,000 electronic memberships have been successfully processed.

If your PTA hasn’t put membership online yet, learn how today at https://capta.org/pta-leaders/services/electronic-membership-system/ 

Totem Makes PTA Membership Easy 

A growing number of PTAs are enabling their members to join and renew their membership online. Electronic membership is a great addition to your membership toolbox. It gives you a fast, effective way to get your membership message out and an easy way to have people join.

In fact, even though last year was a horrible time for PTA membership, over 360 units actually INCREASED membership. Of those 360 units, over 70% of them were units that used the Totem electronic membership system.

Five  Ways To Promote Your Electronic Membership System

  • Be the first to use electronic membership to join your PTA – and share with the built-in social sharing links in your membership dashboard
  • Send the link to your board and get them all to set the example, and then have them share and tell their friends to join. This is a great opportunity for your board to understand the electronic membership system and to help spread the word around your community
  • Post the link on your PTA/PTSA website with a colorful button. Bright colors like yellow and orange are great to attract attention
  • Post the link on your social media telling people you joined, how easy it was to join, and ask others to join and spread the word. Use #JoinPTA and #PTA4Kids in all your social sharing.
  • Email your membership link to your whole school community including all your past PTA members. Ask your principal, ASB advisor, or another school official to include the link in the next all-school notice or newsletter

Resources for Getting Started with Totem and Keeping Membership Growing

Comprehensive information about Totem, along with instructions for getting started, is available at https://capta.org/pta-leaders/services/electronic-membership-system/

Check out the Communication Commission’s archives of Social Media Kits – including Membership Drive Graphic (in the August 2020 section) https://capta.org/socialmediakits-archive/#august