Why Wednesday? 9/4/19

It’s Why Wednesday! Q: What are the back to school steps for jump starting the Reflections program? State Reflections Chair, Lisa Snowiss gives us some great tips!

Reflections Quick Start:

  1. Learn about the program in the Reflections Leader’s Guide. The Guide provides all the tools you’ll need in 6 easy steps.
  2. Get your school administration and staff on board by asking for a few minutes to discuss the Reflections program at a faculty meeting.
  3. Publicize! Publicize! Publicize! Announce at assemblies, E-Blasts and social media.
  4. Host an art night with focus on the Reflections art categories. Have a photographer talk about how to take photos. Have an artist demonstrate art techniques. Have musicians do an interactive demo. The ideas are endless.
  5. Have an art workshop during lunch. Provide art supplies and writing materials. Ask the students what “Look Within” means to them. Let them create and send them home with their artwork and an entry form.