Summer Break Learning and Activities for Families

by California State PTA Family Engagement Commission

California PTA leaders’ top recommendations for summer break learning activities and adventures you can discover together with your child.

Check out the Resource Library–  The California State PTA’s Resource Library is full of activities you can do while school is out.  There are online activities you can use during computer time, suggestions for local museums and events across the state, as well as activities you can do in your home or around your neighborhood. 

Read– Choose a book to read together as a family and have lots of options for the kids to read on their own. Visit your library often, not only do they have books to check out but they often have summer programming for children of all ages from preschool to high school.  

Jen Moore, 16th District President, also suggests having a family audiobook to make the hours speed by when traveling or for use at home to quell squabbles (because everyone is immediately silent when the book is turned on)!  Their family favorites are the Children of the Lamp series, Harry Potter, and anything by Gordon Korman. Most libraries offer Overdrive or Libby, apps which allow you to download an audiobook to your device with your library card.

Visit California Historical Landmarks– Do you know that there are over 1,000 historical landmarks across our state?  California State PTA Vice President for Family Engagement Heather Ippolito and her family have actually been to all of them.  While it took three years for them to visit all the landmarks, you can take a look and see what sites there are close to your home.  According to Heather, “Our family loved spending time exploring the state we live in.  Many of the sites were free to visit, but they all helped us to learn more about the diverse history of our state.”

Bake/Cook– Summer is a great chance to spend some time in the kitchen making treats, lunches, or dinners for the family.  Once your child finds some favorite recipes to make, they can help you during busy weeks by making the family dinner or packing lunches for the entire family.  Remember that recipes are a great way to combine science and math skills– in a fun and tasty way!

Walk– Take time for family walks during the cooler early morning hours or in the evening.  Not only is it good exercise, but it is time to explore the world around you.  As you walk, try some of these activities:

  • look for interesting plants or trees
  • do a photo scavenger hunt (you can find some fun, free ones online)
  • try to find things in every color of the rainbow
  • leave notes for your neighbors written and/or drawn by your family
  • count the number of cars, dogs, or other items you see

Our Family Engagement Fridays are taking a hiatus during the summer months of June and July. You can always reach us at: familyengagement@capta.orgWe hope that you also take some time to rest, recharge, and spend time with your family.