Your PTA membership makes a difference. Just by joining PTA, you show your children that school matters and you are invested in their success – and their future. Here are just a few of the good things about joining PTA, featured in six different languages to share with your school and community!
Archives: Resources
Ten Tips for Parents of Student with Special Needs
Homework Help
Parents and families play an important role in the homework process. Together, families can help children develop good study habits and attitudes that lead to becoming lifelong learners. Your job is not to do the work for them, but to provide support, encouragement and ask questions that help them arrive at the answers themselves. See tips in six languages:
Customizable Membership Flier
Customizable Fliers
No need to write that invitation letter from scratch! Here’s an easy way to invite your parents, school staff and community members to join your PTA: the customizable marketing flier.
Simply customize by filling in the blanks on the template, add a few photos and quotes, and save it to your computer. Your customized membership flier can be sent out electronically, or copied and distributed at PTA or community events. Print out the flier in color or black and white, attach a PTA membership envelope, and your membership campaign is on its way! Take a look at a sample flier.
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Ready-to-Print Fliers and Resources
California State PTA and National PTA offer a variety of FREE resources in multiple languages – ready to download, print and share with parents and families at your school.
- Why PTA — English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Tagalog and Vietnamese
- PTA vs Unaffiliated Parent Group — English only
- Today’s PTA — English and Spanish
- Today’s PTA Poster — English and Spanish
- Engagement: 15 Things You Can Do — English and Spanish
- Connect With Your School — English and Spanish
- You Are Your Child’s Advocate — English and Spanish
- Do good things for kids — JOIN PTA! — English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese.
Membership Envelopes and Cards
Membership envelopes now are available at a low cost to local PTA units. Contact your district PTA office to place your order today!
Membership Cards: Cardstock membership cards are available through your district PTA. To print member names on the cardstock membership card, a downloadable word template is available. Membership cards should be given to members at the point of sale. Remind your members to create a “PTA Profile” to gain access to national membership resources and year-round savings from PTA member-benefit providers.
National PTA Membership Marketing Fliers
National PTA has helpful membership-marketing and family-engagement handouts — share with your school community today!
- Today’s PTA Flier — English and Spanish
- Today’s PTA Poster — English and Spanish
- Engagement: 15 Things You Can Do — English and Spanish
- Connect With Your School — English and Spanish
- You Are Your Child’s Advocate — English and Spanish
Put Your Arts Plan Into Action
Successful arts education programs share basic key elements and are responsive to and reflective of their community. The time is now to encourage your school district to look at arts education as a significant strategy to address student engagement and achievement in California schools. Download, print and share this great resource with parents, families, administrators and your school community.
Family Engagement Practices in CA Schools
A recent report by the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) identifies promising family engagement strategies from a review of 15 high-need districts in the state, noting that effective strategies are culturally appropriate and aim to support student learning at home.
Univision Contigo: Clave al Éxito
Guía Educativa Para Padres
Usa esta guía para involucrarte en las diferentes etapas de la educación de tus hijos, sigue su progreso, comunícate con sus maestros, y prepáralos para triunfar en la universidad y en el mundo laboral.