Interest: Education
ESSA Stakeholder Toolkit
National PTA has a new toolkit to assist state, local PTAs and their PTA members to ensure state leaders include how they have engaged and meaningfully consulted different stakeholders in the implementation of the new state education plans. The toolkit includes:
- Sample social media messages
- Graphics
- Letters
California Arts-Education Data Project Toolkit
Help spread the word about the California Arts-Education Data Project with these tools:
California Arts-Education Data Project Roadmap
This new roadmap from createCA and the California Department of Education helps you evaluate your arts-education data and take action to strengthen your district’s arts education program and course offerings.
This free resource includes checklists, rubrics, questions and sample plans to help your school district strengthen arts education. Download and share today!
Ten Tips for Parents of Student with Special Needs
Homework Help
Parents and families play an important role in the homework process. Together, families can help children develop good study habits and attitudes that lead to becoming lifelong learners. Your job is not to do the work for them, but to provide support, encouragement and ask questions that help them arrive at the answers themselves. See tips in six languages:
Put Your Arts Plan Into Action
Successful arts education programs share basic key elements and are responsive to and reflective of their community. The time is now to encourage your school district to look at arts education as a significant strategy to address student engagement and achievement in California schools. Download, print and share this great resource with parents, families, administrators and your school community.
Assessments: Smarter Balanced Infographic
A new infographic from California State PTA offers resources and information on frequently asked questions on the new student assessments.
Download and share copies today!
Arts-Education Strategies in California LCAPs
The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) offers historic opportunities for school districts to set new, locally-driven priorities aimed at improving outcomes for students who are often underserved in public schools. Arts education aligns with LCFF goals and contributes to a set of unique skills and outcomes that are shown to help students succeed in school and in life.
In the coming weeks and months, districts will be updating their Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAP) to determine priorities and funding for the coming years. The California Alliance for Arts Education in partnership with Arts for LA and LA County’s Arts for All has created a set of materials and trainings to empower advocates to contribute to these important conversations, educating officials about the benefits of arts education. Here are helpful advocacy materials courtesy of the California Alliance for Arts Education, of which California State PTA is a member:
- Arts Education Strategies in California LCAPs
- 5 Examples of Arts Education in District LCAPs
- Customizable Powerpoint for 3-minute school board presentations
- Script for 3-minute school board presentation
- Leave behind flyer for school board presentation
- En Espanol: Leave behind flyer for school board presentation
- Sample Letter to Local School Board, Example of personalized letter
- LCAP Template: Arts for LA, Arts for All and the California Alliance for Arts Education collaborated to develop an LCAP template that offers concrete examples of how districts can implement arts education strategies to improve student outcomes.
For more information and materials, visit the California Alliance for Arts Education’s LCFF Toolkit.
What You Need to Know About the New Math Placement Law
The California Mathematics Placement Act of 2015 requires school districts that serve pupils entering grade nine and that have not already done so to adopt “a fair, objective, and transparent mathematics placement policy” before the beginning of the 2016–17 school year. The mathematics placement policy must be adopted in a regularly scheduled public meeting.
This PTA supported law, SB 359 (Mitchell), addresses the math misplacement of students — especially students of color — as they enter high school. Correct math placement in ninth grade is crucial for educational success. Misplacement can result in pupils being less competitive for college admissions, including at the California State University and University of California.
Important Tip for PTA Leaders
At your next school board meeting:
- Ask how your school district is implementing this new law
- Share the sample school board policies and resources below
- Help make sure the students in your local schools benefit from the California Mathematics Placement Act of 2015.
Resources for School Districts
The Silicon Valley Community Foundation, a sponsor of the bill, has put together resources to help school boards and communities implement the law and address the issue of math misplacement.
- Math Placement: The Importance of Getting It Right for All Students
- SB 359 Fact Sheet
- A Leak in the STEM Pipeline
- Sample Board Policy – K8 and Middle Schools
- Sample Board Policy – High School and Unified
- Math Misplacement: A Joint Publication of CSBA and Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Digging Deeper
A letter from Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson to County and District Superintendents and Charter School Administrators outlines the requirements of the new law:
“The mathematics placement policy for pupils entering grade nine must meet the following requirements:
- Systematically takes multiple objective academic measures of pupil performance into consideration;
- Includes at least one placement checkpoint within the first month of the school year to ensure accurate placement and to permit reevaluation of individual student progress;
- Requires an annual examination of pupil placement data to ensure that students are not held back in a disproportionate manner on the basis of their race, ethnicity, gender, or socioeconomic background;
- Requires a report on the results of the annual examination by the local educational agency to its governing board or body;
- Offers clear and timely recourse for each pupil and his or her parent or legal guardian who questions the student’s placement; and
- For non-unified school districts, addresses the consistency of placement policies between elementary and high school districts.”
The math placement policy must be posted on the district web site.