Equity in Arts Education

California State PTA adopted the Declaration of the Rights of All Students to Equity in Arts Learning to reaffirm its commitment to a full curriculum that includes the arts. California State PTA connects families, schools and communities and is the nation’s largest volunteer child-advocacy association working to improve the education, health and welfare of all children with the motto “every child, one voice.”

“Parents know, the arts matter. Arts learning is an essential part of a comprehensive education for all students,” said 2015-2017 California State PTA President Justine Fischer. “And California State PTA will continue our work to make sure the vital voice of parents is heard — loud and clear — in support of the arts.”

DOWNLOAD THE Declaration

ESSA Stakeholder Toolkit

National PTA has a new toolkit to assist state, local PTAs and their PTA members to ensure state leaders include how they have engaged and meaningfully consulted different stakeholders in the implementation of the new state education plans. The toolkit includes:

  • Sample social media messages
  • Graphics
  • Letters

Download National PTA’s ESSA Stakeholder Toolkit.

Homework Help

homework_helpParents and families play an important role in the homework process. Together, families can help children develop good study habits and attitudes that lead to becoming lifelong learners. Your job is not to do the work for them, but to provide support, encouragement and ask questions that help them arrive at the answers themselves. See tips in six languages:


Put Your Arts Plan Into Action

ArtsFlierSuccessful arts education programs share basic key elements and are responsive to and reflective of their community. The time is now to encourage your school district to look at arts education as a significant strategy to address student engagement and achievement in California schools. Download, print and share this great resource with parents, families, administrators and your school community.

Download the flier – available in English and Spanish.

Arts-Education Strategies in California LCAPs

artseducation_lcfftoolkitThe Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) offers historic opportunities for school districts to set new, locally-driven priorities aimed at improving outcomes for students who are often underserved in public schools. Arts education aligns with LCFF goals and contributes to a set of unique skills and outcomes that are shown to help students succeed in school and in life.

In the coming weeks and months, districts will be updating their Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAP) to determine priorities and funding for the coming years. The California Alliance for Arts Education in partnership with Arts for LA and LA County’s Arts for All has created a set of materials and trainings to empower advocates to contribute to these important conversations, educating officials about the benefits of arts education. Here are helpful advocacy materials courtesy of the California Alliance for Arts Education, of which California State PTA is a member:

For more information and materials, visit the California Alliance for Arts Education’s LCFF Toolkit.