Congratulations, you are all set up in the new Electronic Membership System, powered by Totem. Now what? We have some marketing ideas you can use that will help you get members signing up right away.
Now that you have a membership link — share it — far and wide. Make sure you ASK people to join. Sharing and email works best with a specific call to action. Here are things you can do to supercharge your membership:
Be the first to use electronic membership to join your PTA — and share with the built in social sharing links in your membership dashboard.
- Send the link to your board and get them all to set the example — and then have them share and tell their friends to join. This is a great opportunity for your board to understand the electronic membership system and to help spread the word around your community.
- Send the link in an email to all of your past members asking them to join.
- Print out the Promotional Poster from your site dashboard and post in prominent locations. Have it on your bulletin board, and in acrylic display frames at registration, back to school events, the front desk of the school, and anywhere else where you can get people to join your PTA.
- Include the link in your newsletter and let everyone know how fast and easy it is to join.
- Ask your principal/assistant principal to include the link in messages to parents with a personal ask to join their school PTA.
- Post the link on your website with a colorful button. Bright colors like yellow and orange are great to attract attention.
- Post the link on your social media telling people you joined and how easy it was — and ask them to join and spread the word. Use #JoinPTA and #PTA4Kids in all your social sharing.