California State PTA is developing a training program to help districts, schools, and families learn more about the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) process and to strengthen home-school partnerships to support student success and school improvement.

To ensure that the content of our program meets the needs of a school community, we want to hear from families, educators and community leaders as key stakeholders across California.

That’s where you come in – your voice is important and makes a difference! Please complete this brief survey (no more than 10 minutes) to share your thoughts and experiences with California State PTA. You can either click here,, or scan the QR code to the right.

Please know that this survey is anonymous, so no personal information will be collected. It is available in nine languages. You do not need to be a PTA member to participate.

Thank you for sharing your perspective and feedback so students can thrive in school and beyond!

LCAP Training Webinar

Attend our LCAP webinar and learn about the latest changes to the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF)-Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) template and how you can directly impact your child’s education, school, and school district.

Date and time: TBD – This webinar has been postponed due to the coronavirus outbreak. Please stay tuned for reschedule date.

How Districts Engage Stakeholders in LCAP

Process and Protest: California examines the efforts of several California districts to fulfill the stakeholder engagement requirements of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) in the development of their Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAPs).

The following report includes a brief history of LCFF, LCAPs and reflections on stakeholder engagement, a description of the five promising practices identified in our research, and case studies of districts that are applying these practices to their LCAP process.

Read the report.

LCAP Best Practices

LCAPBestPracticesSee how school districts across the state are engaging parents and families in the LCAP process. Download California State PTA’s list of LCAP best practices.

Arts-Education Strategies in California LCAPs

artseducation_lcfftoolkitThe Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) offers historic opportunities for school districts to set new, locally-driven priorities aimed at improving outcomes for students who are often underserved in public schools. Arts education aligns with LCFF goals and contributes to a set of unique skills and outcomes that are shown to help students succeed in school and in life.

In the coming weeks and months, districts will be updating their Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAP) to determine priorities and funding for the coming years. The California Alliance for Arts Education in partnership with Arts for LA and LA County’s Arts for All has created a set of materials and trainings to empower advocates to contribute to these important conversations, educating officials about the benefits of arts education. Here are helpful advocacy materials courtesy of the California Alliance for Arts Education, of which California State PTA is a member:

For more information and materials, visit the California Alliance for Arts Education’s LCFF Toolkit.

EdSource: Updated Guide to LCFF

logo_edsourceWelcome to an updated guide to the most sweeping changes in more than a quarter-century affecting how California schools are governed and funded: the Local Control Funding Formula. This guide by EdSource looks at the law two-plus years into its implementation and offers:

  • A full explanation of how the formula works
  • A 9-question primer on the Local Control Funding Formula, en español también
  • A tool that allows you to compare how much money school districts will receive under the formula;
  • A short history of school finance reform in California
  • A look at how California’s school spending compares with other states with the “States in Motion” guide.

Seasons of LCAP – Development and Engagement

SeasonsofLCAPAs a critical component of the new Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), every school district must engage parents and the community to create a Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). The LCAP is intended to be a comprehensive planning tool to help all students succeed. Parents, families and community members can have a voice in the development and evaluation of their school districts’ LCAP throughout the year.

  • FALL — Educate
  • WINTER — Review
  • SPRING — Engage
  • SUMMER — Reflect

Download the flier in multiple languages:

Get the Facts About LCFF-LCAP

The Local Control Funding Formula is a huge opportunity for parents to shape the vision for your children’s education and make it happen! As California’s new school funding law, the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) is a new way for schools to focus on student success. The LCFF requires school districts to involve parents in planning and decision-making as well as in developing Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAPs).

LCFFDownload, print and share:

Quick Guides to Understanding the New Accountability Plans for Schools

quickguidesTake a deeper look at each of the eight state priority areas of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) in our LCAP Quick Guides – helping you better understand and engage in the new Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAPs). These latest resources show how progress is measured, key questions to ask and links to more resources. Use these great tools as you review your school district’s LCAP.
