Start your 2024-2025 Membership Journey with our challenges!
Membership is PTA’s strength and our voice. We want all of our local PTAs to have the tools they need to increase membership.
Download the 2024-2025 Membership Passport to share with your PTA leaders!
2024-2025 Membership Challenges
*Membership must reach the California State PTA office by the deadline.
1. Tell Us Your Theme and Goal
All PTA units that forward their membership theme for the 2024-2025 membership year, along with a membership goal that reflects an increase over their final membership total from 2023-2024, on or before the deadline, will receive a digital badge celebrating their success and be recognized through California State PTA social media platforms.
Full List of Challenge Winners
2. 100 Days & 100+ Members Strong
All PTA units that forward* a minimum of 100 members on or before the 100th day of the 2024-2025 A term will receive a digital badge, be recognized on California State PTA social media platforms, and receive a ribbon at the annual Convention.
Full List of Challenge Winners
3. Ready, Set, Remit
All PTA units that forward* a minimum of 30 members on or before the deadline will receive a digital badge and be recognized on California State PTA social media platforms.
Full List of Challenge Winners
4. 100% Teacher Membership
All PTA units that achieve 100% teacher members and forward* their membership on or before the deadline will receive a digital badge and be recognized on California State PTA social media platforms.
Full List of Challenge Winners
5. Halfway There Award
This award is given to PTA units that have forwarded* membership totals equal to or greater than their entire membership total for the 2023-2024 PTA term based on the December 2024 California State PTA Membership Report. PTA units will receive a digital badge and be recognized on California State PTA social media platforms.
Full List of Challenge Winners
6. 10% Student Membership
This award is given to PTA units that have forwarded* student membership totals of at least 10% of total student enrollment (based on average daily attendance) on or before the deadline. PTA units will receive a digital badge and be recognized on California State PTA social media platforms. Application is required. Due Date: 1/31/25
Application Link
7. Founders’ Day Membership Challenge
PTA Founders’ Day is February 17. In celebration of our organization’s founding members, we’re challenging you to spread awareness beyond your typical campus reach. Whether it be a neighbor, friend, or small local business – anyone can join PTA and support your unit! Share your success stories and your thinking strategy for seeking hidden members on or before the deadline. PTA units will earn a digital badge and be recognized on California State PTA social media platforms. Application is required. Due Date: 2/28/25
Application Link
8. Membership March
PTA units that increase membership over their 2023-2024 membership total will earn one of the following awards: Bronze: 1-33% increase; Silver: 34-66% increase; and Gold: 67-100% increase. Each unit will receive a digital badge indicating their award level and be recognized on California State PTA social media platforms. No application is required. Due Date: 3/31/2025
9. 5 for $500
Any PTA unit earning 5 of the incentives above on or before the deadline will be entered in a drawing to receive a $500 cash award. They will also receive a digital badge and be recognized on California State PTA social media platforms. No application is required. Due Date: 4/15/25