State Board of Education Approves Shorter Standardized Tests to Give Schools Flexibility Amidst COVID-19 Uncertainties

The following November 6 press release is from the California Department of Education:

SACRAMENTO — The State Board of Education on Thursday unanimously approved the use of shorter standardized tests in English language arts and math this spring, creating a path for collecting critical student data amidst COVID-19 uncertainties.

The Board’s action also recognizes the need for innovative solutions to support students, schools and districts as they confront myriad challenges associated with the pandemic.

“Our schools and educators need flexibility, options, and ongoing support as they continue to navigate tremendous challenges and collect data across multiple measures to fully understand student learning,” said State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond.

Like other states, California is required by the federal Every Student Succeeds Act to assess student learning as a condition of receiving certain federal funds. In a letter to state education chiefs, the U.S. Department of Education indicated they would not currently consider a waiver and that states should prepare to administer tests in the spring.

The State Board’s approval of shorter Smarter Balanced assessments in English language arts and math for grades 3–8 and 11 reflects California’s commitment to supporting schools by providing testing options.

The shorter assessments will reduce student testing time, which now takes from seven to eight hours in total. Guidance regarding test administration will include flexible options to meet the unique contexts of each district or school.

The tests will cover all academic standards, which describe what students should know and be able to do at each grade level. Spring testing will provide the first statewide snapshot of the impact of COVID-19 on student learning.

“Because we have been supporting and encouraging districts to use formative and diagnostic assessments this fall, schools will have data to guide individual student learning. Meanwhile, a shorter summative test can provide a more manageable way to offer district and state-level information in these unpredictable times,” said State Board President Linda Darling-Hammond.

Now that the shorter tests are approved, CDE will work closely with districts and charter schools to strategize test administration, ensure student participation, and communicate with families.

Click here to read this press release on the CDE website.

Virtual School Smarts Program Launch Meeting – Nov. 20

Join us via Zoom on Friday, November 20 from 3-4:00 p.m. to learn more about the award-winning School Smarts Parent Engagement Program’s transformation to a virtual environment.

For the past 10 years School Smarts has inspired more than 10,000 parents to more deeply engage in their child’s school experience.

The seven-session School Smarts program provides training and knowledge to help parents understand how they play an integral role in their student’s educational outcomes. Each session offers opportunities for participants to share their own experiences, ask questions, and consider how they can take a more active role in their child’s education.

School Smarts graduates are able to:

  • Explain why parent involvement matters so much
  • Identify ways to prepare their child for a successful high school experience to support college and career possibilities
  • Summarize ways to learn how their child is doing in school
  • Describe how to cultivate relationships with the school board, principal, teachers and staff
  • Share how to prepare for a successful parent-teacher conference
  • State different ways to practice leadership within a school community
  • And, much, much more!

This Zoom meeting offers the opportunity to check out the School Smarts program for yourself, and find out how to bring the program to the families in your school community.

Click here to register today:

October 29 Webinar: “Arts Education in the New Normal: Essential Resources for Right Now”

UPDATE: To watch a recording of this webinar, click here.
Join us for an interactive webinar on Thursday, October 29 at 4:30 pm in which California State PTA and our partner agencies will discuss the newest resources and essential information about arts education in the new landscape of distance learning.
Participants will be the first to access the newly revised Parent Guide to the new Arts Standards!
Featured speakers include:
  • Erin Jenks, California State PTA
  • Sarah Anderberg, California County Superintendents Educational Services Association
  • Letty Kraus, California Department of Education
  • Aaron Bryan, Fresno County Superintendents Office
  • Pat Wayne, Create CA

Attend the ACSA/PTA Family Engagement Webinar on October 21

Please join us on October 21 from 4:00-5:00 pm for a webinar about communication and family engagement strategies and resources during the pandemic.

This webinar is being co-hosted by California State PTA and the Association of California School Administrators (ASCA), and panelists will include:

  • Celia Jaffe, President of California State PTA
  • Carol Green, President-Elect of California State PTA
  • Javier Montijo, PTA Ninth District
  • Lisa Borrego, San Juan Unified School District
  • Claudia Medina, Alameda Unified School District

Click here to register:

State Superintendent Launches New “Education to End Hate” Initiative to Combat Bias, Bigotry, and Racism

The following press release is from the California Department of Education:

SACRAMENTO — On September 21 State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond announced a new, multifaceted “Education to End Hate” initiative designed to empower educators and students to confront the hate, bigotry, and racism rising in communities across the state and nation. Under a new effort outlined during a virtual press conference, the State Superintendent said that the California Department of Education (CDE) will lead a series of strategies—including educator training grants, partnerships with community leaders, and virtual classroom sessions—that leverage the power of education to create a more just society.

“We do not need any more evidence that our country is facing two pandemics: coronavirus and hate. It feels like every day we are seeing heartbreaking examples: more anti-Semitic behavior, bullying of Asian American students because of our President’s rhetoric, Islamophobia, discrimination of our LGBTQ neighbors, and violence directed at people of color,” Thurmond said. “It’s time to double down on our efforts to combat all forms of hate, bias, and bigotry. By digging deeper into the complexities of our diverse and difficult histories—not denying or ignoring them—I believe education can provide the pathway to healing, understanding, and racial and social justice.”

The State Superintendent’s “Education to End Hate” initiative has three components:

Educator training grants: The CDE will award up to $200,000 in mini-grants to local educational agencies (LEAs) to support educator training in the areas of anti-racism and bias. The grants will be funded by contributions from an ongoing philanthropic partner, the S. D.  Bechtel, Jr. Foundation. Organizations with extensive experience in leading related educator trainings—including Equality California, the National Equity Project, and the Simon Weisenthal Center’s Museum of Tolerance— have already agreed to partner and offer professional development and resources through this program. More details on grant guidelines and the application process will be released to school districts soon.

“The Simon Wiesenthal Center is the preeminent organization fighting anti-semitism, bigotry, and hate globally. Its Museum of Tolerance (MOT) is a proud and trusted partner to schools throughout California in advancing anti-bias education, inclusion, and equity through unique professional development programs and educator resources,” said Rabbi Meyer H. Hay, Executive Director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center and Museum of Tolerance. “Committed to confronting hate and promoting human dignity and respect for all, the MOT has also adapted its experiential content for virtual programs for educators, students and parents.”

Virtual Classroom Series: Throughout the month of October, the CDE will host a series of virtual classroom sessions broadcast live throughout the state that will be designed to engage students, educators, and families in a wide-ranging dialogue about the many forms of bias young people across California face—and ways schools can lead efforts to end discrimination.

Roundtable with leaders: In the coming days, the State Superintendent will convene a public roundtable discussion among leaders from prominent racial and social justice organizations, educators, and state lawmakers to brainstorm additional ideas for ways schools can influence the change necessary to ensure a physically and emotionally safe learning environment that is inclusive for all students.

Several lawmakers, who have each worked on multiple fronts to advance equity, on Monday expressed their commitment to supporting this initiative, including:

  • Senator Connie M. Leyva (D-Chino), Chair of the Senate Education Committee
  • Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), Chair of the California Legislative LGBTQ Caucus
  • Assemblymember David Chiu (D-San Francisco), Chair of the California Asian Pacific Islander Legislative Caucus
  • Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego), Chair of the California Latino Legislative Caucus
  • Assemblymember Monique Limón (D-Santa Barbara), Vice Chair of the California Legislative Women’s Caucus

“Sometimes in our darkest hour is when we do our best work. We know that racism and hate are taught, and we know that children are born loving everyone. You learn what you live, and unfortunately racism and hate are still being taught in living rooms across the state of California and across this country,” Senator Leyva said. “If we learn about each other, the hope is that we won’t hate each other. The hope is that we will know that we have more in common than not. I want to thank State Superintendent Thurmond for always taking on these big issues.”

“In a time when President Trump is attempting to convince Americans that discussing issues like race, gender, and sexual orientation are counterproductive to American ideals, California must take a stand,” Senator Wiener said. “Education is critical in combating hate and bias against LGBTQ people. I am proud to see that California is once again leading the fight against hate.”

“The pandemic brought with it a rise in hate against Asian Americans. We have seen this happen in other moments of national crisis and that’s why I have worked on policies to address bullying and discrimination faced by our students,” Assemblymember Chiu said. “The additional resources and strategies that Superintendent Thurmond has announced today will help ensure that our schools continue to be a safe place to learn.”

“We know our children face racism and bigotry in their lives. Classrooms should serve as safe learning environments that allow students to process and understand these difficult experiences,” Assemblymember Gonzalez said. “Superintendent Thurmond’s initiative will help ensure students, parents, and teachers are prepared with the tools they need to confront racism, bigotry, and hate-based violence and to facilitate honest conversations about the realities students are facing every day.”

“Hate, bigotry, and racism should never be a part of our schools. As children continue their education during a challenging time, we must ensure their well-being is protected,” Assemblymember Limón said. “I applaud the efforts of the CDE and State Superintendent Thurmond to continue prioritizing and taking action on this issue.”

An archived broadcast of the full press conference can be viewed on the CDE’s Facebook page.

Click here to read this press release on the CDE website.

Statement from California State PTA Regarding Ban on Flavored Tobacco Products

Thanks to the efforts of California State PTA and a broad coalition of health organizations and local municipalities, California just outlawed the sale of flavored tobacco products. Senate Bill 793 banned all sales of flavored tobacco and vaping products to both adults and children.

The tobacco industry waged a major opposition campaign, making this a sweet victory.

California State PTA had strong PTA authority for this bill. It had just adopted a convention resolution this summer that specifically called for the prohibition of all sales of flavored tobacco, not just to kids.

Recognizing that tobacco companies were more than happy to prohibit the sale to kids as long as they could continue marketing and selling to adults, convention delegates voted to outlaw all sales. This was to ensure flavored tobacco would not be available as an entry level product to create a lifetime of addiction.

In writing to the legislature, the PTA said:

“Flavored tobacco, and specially flavored e-liquids for vaping promote tobacco use by California’s youth. Over 5.3 million kids in the U.S. now use e-cigarettes. 27.5% of high school students used e-cigarettes in 2019 compared to 11.3% in 2016. Flavors are driving the demand for use. 97% of youth e-cigarette users report using a flavored product, and 70% cite flavors as the reason for their use. While we understand the tax implications and potential loss of revenue as a result of this bill, we believe the health benefits to our children and youth should hold more sway when deciding the future of this legislation.”

Several PTA districts drafted the resolution and worked with the California State PTA advocate in contacting key legislators and the Governor as the bill went through the legislative process. PTA worked closely with a range of state and national organizations to pass this legislation and used Action Alerts as well as the Advocacy Insider newsletter and social media to engage PTA members in this advocacy.

Governor Newsom said, “It will be a point of deep pride and personal privilege as a father of four and as someone who’s had many, many family members die at the hands of the tobacco industry to sign that bill.”

PTA Resolution and Background StatementE-Cigarettes/Vaping, Flavored Tobacco Products and Youth Health

Learn More About Grants and Scholarships and Apply by October 15th!

The application period for the 2024-2025 scholarships and program grants is now open. The deadline to apply for both is October, 15, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.


To help you continue on your educational path, California State PTA is proud to offer two types of scholarship programs:

For Teachers, Counselors, Nurses, and School Staff:

Credentialed teachers, counselors, nurses and school staff who have a minimum of three years’ experience in a California public school are eligible to apply for the $500 Continuing Education Scholarship for School Staff. You must be employed in a California public school during the preceding year and plan to continue working in a California school. Download the instructions for the full list of requirements.

For PTA Volunteers:

PTA volunteers with at least three years of service are eligible to apply for the $500 Continuing Education Scholarship. Your scholarship must be used for advanced studies at accredited California colleges, universiti

es, trade and technical schools. Download the instructions for the full list of requirements.

To learn more about the scholarship requirements and application details, visit our Continuing Education page.


Grants are awarded to local PTAs to support efforts that build and grow student achievement, parent engagement and family involvement to make a difference in your community. They are available to unit, council and district PTAs in good standing, these unique annual grants are geared to support local PTAs in developing programs and projects that address four areas of major interest to our children, schools and members:

Parent Education

Develop and implement parent education programs and projects in such areas as health, child development, child abuse prevention or parenting skills. Programs or projects must be sponsored by the PTA applying for the grant. Program grant ideas include parent-resource centers, seminars and workshops, forums for parents of children with special needs and information on preparing healthy meals.

Cultural Arts

Develop and implement student-centered cultural arts programs which complement the California State PTA’s commitment to a quality arts education. The programs and projects should focus on expanding the students’ awareness and appreciation of the field of cultural arts and/or enriching and enhancing arts education programs and must be sponsored by the PTA applying for the grant. Program grant possibilities include performing arts assemblies, arts communications brochures, demonstrations, storytellers, read-a-thons and docents.

Outreach Translation

Translate PTA written materials and oral presentations in an effort to involve every member of the school community. Presentations or materials must be sponsored by the PTA applying for the grant. The California State PTA may use these translated materials when appropriate. Copy of the translated material must accompany the evaluation report. Program grant possibilities include translating written materials into other languages, providing translations at meetings and events, offering school community activities, enhancing partnerships and engaging non-English-speaking families.

Healthy Lifestyle

Develop, promote and implement programs, projects and activities that will improve the overall health of children and adults. Program grant possibilities include classes, health fairs, awareness events, walking/running programs, sun safety initiatives and depression awareness efforts. Please refer to the Insurance Guide for approved activities.

To learn about the program grants, eligibility requirements, and the application procedure, visit our Grants for PTAs page.


Check out the full webinar to learn more about our 2024 scholarships and grants application process.

Read the PACE Policy Brief on School Reopening

Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE), in cooperation with California State PTA, produced “Navigating the Uncertainty of Reopening Schools: A Guide for Parents, Families and the Public.” This report summarizes the current state of knowledge about key issues, and suggests a set of questions that parents and educators should ask when considering plans for reopening during the pandemic. This summary infographic serves as a valuable handout for community discussions.

“This report informs parents and helps raise important questions about health, equity, social-emotional issues, and effective teaching and learning,” said Celia Jaffe, President of California State PTA. “We hope that it will prompt discussions among all concerned as to when and how to conduct schooling during the pandemic.”

Judge Rules That UC System Must Stop Considering ACT, SAT in Admissions

On Monday, an Alameda County Superior Court Judge ruled that the University of California system must stop using ACT or SAT test scores for admissions or scholarship decisions. In his ruling, Judge Brad Seligman cited the disadvantages the testing process places on applicants with disabilities, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.

To read the rest of this article on, click here.

Education Coalition Calls on Governor and Legislative Leaders to Close $20 Billion Projected Shortfall for Schools and Students

Today the Education Coalition called on legislative leaders to prioritize education funding and identify additional revenue to close a projected $20 billion* education state budget shortfall during the global pandemic and beyond.

The coalition is comprised of the nine statewide K-12 education associations (including California State PTA) that work closely to advocate for the 8.4 million students in California’s public schools. The $20 billion shortfall for schools includes $12.5 billion in deferred costs to K-14 schools and community colleges, $1.4 billion in foregone COLA for the 2020-21 school year and a $6.3 billion reduction in Prop 98 Minimum School Funding Guarantee revenues.

Specifically, Education Coalition leaders are urging the Legislature and Governor to adopt additional revenue streams, such as suspending or eliminating tax expenditures (which includes credits, deductions, exemptions, and exclusions), imposing additional taxes on high income individuals, or corporate tax changes. The Education Coalition looks forward to working with the Legislature and the Administration in identifying and securing these revenues.

To read or download the full press release, click here.