Trends in Education Parents Need to Know

July 24, 2018

Media Contacts:

  • Brad Waller, Vice President for Communications,
  • Michelle Eklund, Assistant Executive Director, 951-314-3707 or

With thousands of kids heading back to school starting as early as next week, California State PTA offers the top three trends in education during this back-to-school season.

Family engagement leads to student success. Research shows that authentic family engagement is a key factor in long-term student success – including better student attendance, higher graduation rates and increased student achievement. That’s why we’re proud to sponsor Assembly Bill 2878 (Chavez). This important measure is a family engagement bill that seeks to use research-based guidelines to define what authentic family engagement could look like in Education Code in order to guide schools, districts and county offices of education.

Safe children are better learners. We believe that every child is entitled to a safe and peaceful school environment that is orderly and empowering, in which students and staff are free to learn and teach without the threat of physical and psychological harm. When kids feel safe and secure, they can better focus on learning at school and in the home, and can achieve academic success.

It starts with attendance. Children need to be in school to learn – it’s that simple. If children don’t show up for school every day, they miss out on developing fundamental skills. Data shows children who are chronically absent in kindergarten and first grade are far less likely to read proficiently at the end of third grade. Parents and families are essential partners in making sure students attend school, and play a key role in identifying the barriers to attendance as well as what motivates students to go to school.

“Family engagement makes an amazing impact on student success, along with good attendance and school safety. These trends in education support our mission of support every child in California, both at school and in the home,” said California State PTA President Dianna MacDonald.

For more information on these trends and many more resources, visit

Monrovia Council PTA Goes Sea to Sea for ABC’s

Monrovia School Board Member and former Mayor of Monrovia Rob Hammond raised funds, awareness and PTA pride for Monrovia Council PTA (First District) by riding his bike across the country.

On April 1, Hammond started in San Diego, California and cycled more than 3,000 miles to end up in St. Augustine, Florida after only six weeks.

“When I tell people about this adventure, there are two main responses. First is usually, “Are you crazy?” The second is, “What are you going to raise money for?” The first answer is easy. No, I am not crazy. The answer to the second question is, “I ride for you.” I wanted to raise money and awareness for the PTAs in our community, as well as promote other educational non-profit groups in our town,” said Hammond.

Hammond tracked his ride from west coast to east coast on his website,, along with the ever-increasing amount of donations in the “Jar of Generosity”. The jar is currently full of almost $5,000, which he has received from community members, businesses and even donors in other states. The funds he raises will go to directly PTAs in the Monrovia Unified School District.

“[This] is my way of raising money for the PTA and giving back to our community, which has given me so much. I know everyone would like to be able to help make our PTAs stronger and bolster other groups that work very hard to make the lives of people in our community better,” said Hammond.

The Monrovia Council PTA is made up of 8 units. These PTA units help support the school district by fundraising and organizing many events, including field trips, science nights, technology advancements, field day activities, family movies nights and much more.

View highlights from Rob Hammond’s trip from sea to shining sea and support his mission at

Student Artists from Across California Honored

Media Contacts:

  • Brad Waller, Vice President for Communications,
  • Michelle Eklund, Assistant Executive Director, 951-314-3707 or

California State PTA honored student artists of all ages from across California at the 2018 California State PTA Annual Convention. Seven of these talented young artists joined us onstage at the Reflections Art Program award event, held on April 28 in Ontario, to receive their Outstanding Interpretation awards.

From kindergarteners to high school seniors, these young California artists embraced the 2018 Reflections theme “Within Reach” as the inspiration for their Award of Excellence-winning works in dance choreography, music composition, film production, photography, literature and visual arts. Each work originally was submitted to the students’ local PTAs and students were then selected to be honored at the PTA council, district and state levels.

View the award-winning works of art and be inspired by their imaginations here:

Each of the seven California State PTA Reflections Art Program Outstanding Interpretation honorees received a medal, a certificate, a $100 award and a trip to the California State PTA Annual Convention in Ontario to present their work on the big stage during Saturday afternoon’s special event.

“The term ‘Within Reach’ can be understood in many different ways. My interpretation of ‘Within Reach’ was people are always within reach. No matter how hopeless they seem; it’s all about whether or not you’re brave enough to reach out and help them,” said Megan Lee, a student from Rosemont Middle School in La Crescenta (First District PTA).

Lee and the other selected California State PTA Reflections honorees’ works were submitted and reviewed for National PTA’s awards. The National PTA honorees, whose works will be included in a traveling exhibit, have just been announced. Their Outstanding Interpretation honorees – including one from California – will be recognized at the National PTA convention on June 23, 2018. (Click here to view.)

Since its establishment in 1969 by National PTA, the Reflections Art Program has brought the arts to life for more than 10 million students across the United States.

“Reflections is a wonderful program for youth,” said California State PTA Reflections Art Program Chair Lisa Snowiss. “When children participate in the Reflections program, they spark their creativity and self-expression and increase awareness of the importance of arts education at the same time.”

The Reflections Art Program is just one of the many ways PTA focuses on promoting access to quality arts education for all students in California and the nation.

“Reflections is such an amazing program. I love seeing the joy on the children’s faces when they’re up on the stage at convention receiving their award,” said California State PTA President Dianna MacDonald. “Reflections is great for children because it encourages them to express themselves and engage in art activities, plus it promotes arts education and how important it is in the education of all students.”

The national theme for the 50th anniversary Reflections Art Program is “Heroes Around Me” for 2019. Find out more about award entries, guidelines and bringing the program to your school at

Understanding the Visual and Performing Arts Standards


California State PTA in partnership with Create CA is pleased to launch the newly revised Parents’ Guide to Arts Education in California Public Schools. This guide provides an overview of what your child will learn in the arts disciplines of dance, music, theatre and the visual arts by the end of each grade level.

By asking about the arts program at your child’s school, you are showing your interest in all students, not just the “talented,” having the opportunity to express their unique individuality through creating and learning in and through the arts.

The information is grouped into four sections:

Download the full guide here:



  • A snapshot of your child as they experience the arts in their classroom at each grade level.
  • A few key examples of what is typically taught in dance, music, theatre and the visual arts at each grade level to use as a starting point in talking to
    your child’s teacher.
  • Questions to ask the teacher about your child’s progress in arts learning and about the school’s arts program.
  • Ideas for what you can do to help your child learn in the arts at school, at home and in the community.
  • If you are interested in expanding or improving the visual and performing arts program at your child’s school, key resources for getting started are provided.

The arts learning examples in this guide are based on the Visual and Performing Arts Framework for California Public Schools, the California Visual and Performing Arts Content Standards and the National Core Arts Standards. While standards in every subject area are revised over the years, if your child is being provided with the type of arts content suggested here in each grade, he or she will be well prepared for learning in the arts in each grade level.

“California State PTA is excited to provide this arts curriculum guide for parents and education advocates across California. In partnership with CREATE CA, California State PTA has put together a simple, easy-to-read guide of the Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) Standards by grade level. This guide, in conjunction

with the California Arts Education Data Project, will give parents and education advocates a snapshot of how a full arts curriculum advances student success socially, emotionally and academically.” – Celia Jaffe, President, California State PTA

Four Big Upgrades to California’s Public Schools

California’s K-12 public schools are undergoing an ambitious remodeling project, with a focus on ensuring all students, no matter who they are or what their circumstance, graduate high school ready to succeed in higher education, careers, and in life.

All of these changes work together locally to give parents, students, educators and communities more of a say in the ways education funding is spent in their school district, how priorities are set, and the strategies used to meet the unique needs of all students.

Upgrades include:

  1. High Learning Standards for All Students
  2. Student-Centered Funding
  3. Locally-Created Plans for Your District
  4. Measuring Local Progress.

Download the flier in English or Spanish.

PTA Strengthens Position on Firearms and Assault Weapons to Protect All Children

Media Contacts:

SACRAMENTO –  In the wake of recent school shootings, California State PTA, the largest child advocacy association, unanimously adopted a revised position statement on Firearms and Assault Weapons. View the revised position statement.

“For more than a century, California State PTA has advocated for safer schools. Gun violence is a public-health crisis that affects us all – most of all, our children and youth. And, it’s preventable,” said California State PTA President Dianna MacDonald. “California State PTA supports state and federal legislation that protects all of our children and youth from gun violence.”

The position statement reaffirms and strengthens the association’s stance on firearms including minimum age requirements to purchase guns, prohibiting the sale and possession of assault weapons defined as automatic and semi-automatic weapons, and incorporates language from the National PTA position that the safest schools are gun free.

“Our members have been reaching out and asking California State PTA to act,” said California State PTA Vice President for Health & Community Concerns Shereen Walter. “Our action to strengthen our position statement sends a clear message — the most effective day-to-day school climate is gun free.”

California State PTA will be addressing gun violence, school safety and mental health issues with federal lawmakers in Washington D.C. on March 13-15 during the 2018 National PTA Legislation Conference. The association is also rallying members to make their voices heard by “calling out” their federal lawmakers on March 14 and demanding an end to gun violence. View the call to action alert.


Firearms and Assault Weapons

  • Adopted July 1990
  • Reviewed and Deemed Relevant May 2016 – Community Concerns Commission
  • Revised February 2018 – Board of Managers

California State PTA has a long history and proud tradition of supporting legislation and programs for the safety and protection of children, youth, and families. School safety is a critical priority for all parents, educators, students and community members. We must make every attempt to reduce violence, especially incidents that involve firearms.

California State PTA recognizes the importance of a safe learning environment in attaining the highest level of student learning and achievement. California State PTA believes the most effective day-to-day school climate to be gun-free, but defers to local collaborative decision- making to allow for the presence of law enforcement deployed in community-oriented policing.

California State PTA supports state and federal legislation and restrictions that protect children and youth from gun violence and would:

  • Require a firearm licensure procedure that includes a minimum 3 day waiting period and background check to screen out illegal firearm purchasers such as convicted felons and drug-related offenders;
  • Require a firearm licensing procedure that includes proof of passing a state- certified course in appropriate firearms use and safe handling practice;
  • Restrict internet gun sales, including kits that can be used to make/modify guns;
  • Enforce federal and state minimum age requirements for gun purchases;
  • Require safety devices, including childproof trigger locks, on all firearms offered for sale, delivery or transfer;
  • Prohibit sale and possession of assault weapons for non-military/non-law enforcement use and require a registration process for those persons who now legally own such firearms;
  • Prohibit for non-military/non-law enforcement purposes, the manufacture, importation, possession, sale or resale of accessories and ammunition designed for assault weapons;
  • Ban the manufacture, sale or possession of “junk guns”/Saturday night specials;
  • Ban armor-piercing ammunition;
  • Control the illegal possession of firearms and other lethal weapons on school campuses;
  • Support state and federal funding initiatives for research into the causes and effects of gun violence.

California State PTA believes we must enact legislation that will reduce gun violence and help protect children and youth. California State PTA further supports:

  • Education programs that stress the importance of firearm safety and awareness, including the risks of unsecured firearms in the home, and the use and availability of firearm safety devices, including trigger locks;
  • Education programs to inform parents and community members about the harm and injury gun violence inflicts on children and youth;
  • Public awareness campaigns regarding the importance of legislation for the safety and protection of the public, especially children and youth.

Update as of March 6, 2018

Fringe news outlets have recently published stories incorrectly stating California State PTA’s positions on gun-violence prevention efforts and student demonstrations. California PTA is not organizing any marches or student walkouts.

Gun violence is a public-health crisis that affects us all – most of all, our children and youth. And, it’s preventable. California State PTA will be addressing gun violence, school safety and mental health issues with federal lawmakers in Washington D.C. on March 13-15 during the 2018 National PTA Legislation Conference. We are also asking for your help to “call out” your federal legislators to demand stronger gun-violence prevention legislation. View the action alert.

California State PTA supports the rights of students to express themselves on campus through organized demonstrations, but believes that care must be taken to ensure the orderly operation of the school is not disrupted and the physical safety of students is not threatened. Leaving during school hours to attend an off-campus demonstration places the student outside the safety zone of the school and unnecessarily jeopardizes that school’s education funding. We are aware of several student demonstrations scheduled in the coming days and weeks and have provided guidance for local PTAs that wish to support student voices. View guidance information.