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Date/time of appointment: (gather with your group 10 minutes in advance)
Meeting location / Room # / Link:
¤ Assembly Member ¤ Senator
Legislator’s Name: __________________________________________________________________________________
District #________ Area(s) served: ____________________________________________________________________
Party: Republican / Democrat / _______________
Committees: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Remember to collect business cards if meeting in person.
Meeting with:
¤ Chief of Staff: ________________________________
¤ Staffer: ______________________________________ Title:_______________________________________
¤ Staffer: ______________________________________ Title:_______________________________________
¤ Staffer: ______________________________________ Title:_______________________________________
PTA Representatives
PTA Team Leader (will open meeting and introduce other PTA members): _____________________________________________
PTA Note Taker (will take notes and complete the Leg Visit Report): __________________________________________________
PTA Member Name | Representing (city) | Chief concerns/topics |
1) 2) |
1) 2) |
1) 2) |
1) 2) |
1) 2) |
1) 2) |