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Sure, California’s education system is big and complex.
Think that’s gonna stop parent and student leaders from speaking out?
Think again. We got this.
To have credibility and influence, it helps to know your stuff. explains the system plainly, one clear lesson at a time.
Understand California’s education system and take a seat at the table, where you belong.
Join hundreds of others who have become Ed100 graduates.
✓ Short lessons are clearly written in English and Spanish.
✓ Each lesson takes a few minutes to read. Each quiz you pass earns a chance to win $1,000 for your school.
✓ Complete all of the lessons to join hundreds of others who have earned their Ed100 graduate certificate.
✓ Just go to and sign up. It works great on your phone.
✓ Ed100 is used in over 2,000 school communities.
Yes, it’s free.
Sign up now at
Student Leaders Academy June 21-23
Use to develop informed advocates
Will your school be represented at the Ed100 Academy for Student Leaders?
It will be held July 20-23. Every high school should be represented. Will yours? Go to
Celebrate Success!
At your meeting each month, congratulate new graduates, take a picture with their Ed100 graduate certificate, and share it on Instagram.
Have some fun
Search online for the “Ed100 Toolbox.” You’ll find videos you can use in your meetings, discussion guides, and a trivia game you can use for an icebreaker.
Win the May 26, ‘21 drawing!!
Use the drawing to lend a sense of urgency. Your school could win! Each lesson quiz you pass earns a ticket.
Use the Discussion Guides
Each chapter of Ed100 includes a discussion guide in English and Spanish. Try it!
“I use Ed100 to keep up to date with education policies in a way that helps me explain the issues clearly to others.”
Shereen Walter
Director of Legislation, California State PTA