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We’re onboarding PTA units into the electronic membership system TOTEM every day. If you can’t find your local PTA unit, please ask about PTA membership at your school.
Congratulations to all our PTA units that have signed up to use the electronic membership system TOTEM! Check out the list of all activated units above – and JOIN ONLINE NOW!
Join PTA to support your child’s education and the education of all of California’s children.
Membership to PTA is as the local level, but you can also join Golden State PTA to support California State PTA scholarships and grants for volunteers and graduating high school seniors. For questions, email us at
Why PTA?
“For me, the best part about being a PTA member is…… I can make a difference in our children’s lives.” — Mary Anderson, PTA Member
There are numerous parent groups out there, but there is only one PTA. Connecting families and schools for 120 years, PTA is the largest children’s advocacy organization in the country. Here are just a few reasons to join PTA:
Find out what’s happening in your school and develop a relationship with your child’s teacher and principal.
The PTA offers a variety of programs and materials for students, parents, families, schools and communities.
Speak up
PTA gives you a “seat at the table” when important decisions are made about your child’s school.
Be a role model
By becoming a PTA member, you’ll be demonstrating to your child the importance you place on education.
PTA members enjoy exclusive member perks including discounts on school supplies, rental cars and wireless services.
Make a difference
Our members have helped advance local, state and national laws and policies to improve the education, health and safety of all children.
PTA annual dues for each local PTA may differ from school to school, and help support valuable programs and services for student learning and family engagement. Many PTAs support academic enrichment programs, such as field trips or after-school art, drama, music, math and reading programs while other PTAs support events and activities that promote family engagement at school, to strengthen home and school relationships. Other PTAs support health programs, safety and physical education.
Your local PTA dues stay with your school site, and a portion is sent up to support the work of your council PTA (if in council), district PTA, California State PTA and National PTA. Please check with your local PTA regarding annual membership dues.
With more than 90 percent of our local PTA leaders asking for a simplified electronic membership system in a recent Unit Leader Survey, we heard you loud and clear! California State PTA partnered with TOTEM to develop and launch our new electronic membership system to make joining and renewing PTA membership at the local level easier for parents, families and community members.
For several months, we worked side-by-side to test and pilot the system with a “success-based model approach” at the unit, council, district and state levels. We appreciate all the feedback we have received from our leaders at all levels. Additional accounting and reconciliation reports have been added and improvements have been made based on your suggestions. We remain committed to getting it right for you and for our members across the state. Although the pilot phase is complete, we continue to work with TOTEM to add improvements and features based on feedback from our leaders and members.
As a reminder, there are no changes to PTA’s membership process and the electronic system will be completely voluntary and an optional addition to our current system. We will keep you posted as we progress in this important work to build membership and strengthen PTA. Units, councils or districts will not be required to use the new system.
Information For Council and District Leaders
California State PTA also remains committed to assisting councils and districts through the onboarding process. No unit will be turned on in the system without the district or council knowledge and approval. The California State PTA e-membership team is available for field services, regional and local trainings, or by email and phone. If you have any questions or would like to request a field service, please email
All of your feedback and input are being taken very seriously. Please feel free to send any questions or feedback to We will keep you posted as we progress in this important work to build membership and strengthen PTA.