How Well Are Your Local Schools Serving Students?

by California State PTA Education Commission

During the pandemic, many parents gained a new understanding of the challenges and successes their children experienced in school. But a two-year hiatus in state assessments and data reporting generally made it much harder to evaluate how well our local schools and school districts are doing. That has now changed with the recent relaunch of the state’s interactive and user-friendly school data reporting system.

The California School Dashboard is Back with a New Look

The California School Dashboard is an online tool that provides parents and educators with meaningful information on school and district progress so they can participate in decisions to improve student learning. The Dashboard features easy-to-read reports on multiple measures of school success, including student learning, graduation rates, English Learner progress, and more for every public school and school district in the state.  

For the past two school years, California accountability requirements were waived or adjusted due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on students and the education community as a whole. Therefore, those familiar with the Dashboard will see some differences in the 2022 reports. 

Unlike in prior years, the 2022 Dashboard will not display the difference from the prior year (also known as Change) or performance level colors (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue). Results will fall into one of five Status levels, ranging from “Very High” to “Very Low.” With these changes in mind, the 2022 Dashboard assessment data serves as a new starting point in delivering high-quality public education to our students. Learn more about the 2022 Dashboard measures of success.

WATCH This Parent Friendly Explanation

Watch the new video from the Association of School Administrators that highlights the California School Dashboard

Also available with Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, and Russian subtitles.