Position statements provide insights on major issues affecting our children, families and communities.
Position statements come about as studies of key concerns of the day. As needed, the Board of Managers will research these concerns as they relate to our Purposes and other issues.
These studies can result the adoption of statements that establish, clarify or interpret a PTA position or belief. Position statements then can help provide a basis for action on legislation and other California State PTA action.
The position statements are reviewed every five years to revise, reaffirm or to retire them from current use. Statements that include quotes excerpted from state or federal law are reviewed each year. The dates under the title of each statement represent the date first adopted and the date of the latest revision/reaffirmation.
Accountability Systems: Statewide, Federal, and Local
Advancing Education through Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Arts in Education
Assessment and Testing (Statewide)
Assistance to Families in Need
Basic Education
Before- and After-School Options for Children and Youth
Behavioral Health and Social Emotional Development
Building a Positive School Climate Through Restorative Justice Practices
Character Education
Charter Schools
Child Abuse
Child Care
Child Victims/Witnesses Rights
Chronic Illness Care in California Schools
Commercialism in Schools
Comprehensive Community Schools with Integrated Services (Community Schools)
Credentialed School Personnel
Dangers of Energy/Caffeinated Drinks
Dating Violence Prevention
Distance Learning
Education of English Language Learners
Education: Higher Education
Education: Opposing Vouchers, Tuition Tax Credits and Deductions as Systems of Education Aid
Education: Parental Choice In Public Schools
Education: Support of Public Education
Education: The Early Years, Ages 3 to 6
Education: The Elementary Years, Ages 6 to 10
Education: The Middle Years, Ages 10 to 14
Education: The High School Years Ages 14 to 18
Energy Conservation
Environmental Health and Environmental Education
Equity for All Children and Youth
Evaluation of Teachers
Fair Housing
Family Engagement in Credentialing Programs
Family Planning
Family Responsibility and Accountability
Family Services
Firearms and Assault Weapons
Freedom to Learn
Funding of Mandated Programs: Effect on Public Education
Gang Awareness
Grief-Sensitive Schools: Building Healthy Coping Skills
Health Care Access for Children, Youth, Pregnant Women, and Their Families
Health Education
Homeless Families and Children
Inclusive Education: Universal Design for Learning
Inclusiveness and Diversity
Instructional Materials
Interpersonal Relations
Juvenile Offenders in the Justice System
Lead Poisoning
Life Skills
Lottery Revenue and Public School Funding
Marijuana Providers Near Schools
Mass Media and the Family
Media Literacy for Students and Families
Minor Consent for Health Care
Missing and Exploited Children
Nutrition and Physical Activity Education
Parent Involvement: Building Bridges and Eliminating Barriers
Parenting Education and Skills Development
Positive Youth Development
Prevention and Intervention Programs
Prevention of Teen Pregnancy
Public Involvement in School Governance
Public School Employer-Employee Negotiations
Racism is a Public Health Crisis
Reduced Class Size in Grades TK-3
Rights and Services for Undocumented Children and Children of Undocumented Immigrants
Rights of Foster Children and Foster Families
Safe Drinking Water in Schools
Safe School Environments
School and Public/Community Library Services
School Attendance
School Based Decision Making
School-Based/Linked Health Centers
School Bus Safety
School Closure
School Desegregation/Integration
School-To-Career Technical Education
Social Emotional Learning: Essential to a Well-rounded Education
Special Education
State Tax Reform
Status Offenders
Student Participation in Public Demonstrations
Student Records
Sugary-Sweetened Beverages
Television Programming
Toy Look-Alike Guns
Year-Round Education
Youth Involvement
Zero to Three Years: A critical Period in Child’s Development
National PTA Position Statements are official documents outlining the opinion, will, or intent of the association to address national problems, situations, or concerns that affect children and youth and require national action to seek resolution on the issue. National PTA has adopted hundreds of position statements on a wide variety of national education, health, and safety issues since its first convention in 1897. Learn more about National PTA’s position statements.