
PTA Resolutions

Resolutions Procedure Book

PTA Resolutions come from our members and call attention to a problem and a need for action on a particular issue. They are a major source of authority for the California State PTA and its units, councils, and districts. If a problem or situation has statewide implications affecting children, youth, and families, a resolution is one way to authorize PTA action. Other sources of PTA authorities include National PTA resolutions, California State PTA and National PTA position statements, and legislation platforms. See the full list of our Resolutions.

PTA Resolutions are not legislation and are very different from those that you may be familiar with from your local School Board or City Council. PTA Resolutions provide direction (authority) for our membership to take action. Our Resolutions are not direct advocacy messages to state or federal legislators or position statements. Authority allows us to take a position on legislation, policy, and ballot measures. Resolutions may only be authorized by delegates to the California State PTA’s Annual Meeting (Convention), using the procedures outlined in the California State PTA Resolution Procedure Book. Units, Councils, and Districts cannot authorize Resolutions.

Click here for information on how to submit a PTA Resolution

Resolutions are PTA Authorities created by members and adopted by the membership at the Annual Meeting (California State PTA Convention). Resolutions call attention to a problem and need for action by our membership on a particular issue.

  1. Resolutions are PTA authorities created and adopted by the membership at an Annual Meeting (Convention). Resolutions must meet the following criteria:
    • Be in accordance with PTA purposes and policies
    • Be prepared according to criteria specified in the California State PTA Resolutions Procedure Book.
  2. A resolution may be initiated by an individual PTA member but must be authorized (voted on) and submitted by a PTA unit, council, or district in good standing, an inter-district committee or the California State PTA Board of Managers.
  3. There are three parts to a PTA Resolution. (Resolutions Procedure Book)
    • Preamble: The preamble is a series of statements of fact supporting the reason(s) for the resolution. Each statement begins with the word Whereas. Research is reviewed by the California State PTA Resolutions Committee to ensure criteria defined in the Resolutions Procedure Book have been met. Because these statements must be supported with primary research, and do not provide authority, they are not voted on or changed by delegates at the Annual Meeting (Convention).
    • Request for Action: The request for action is a recommendation to the Annual Meeting delegates on how to proceed with the issue set forth in the Whereas statement(s). Each request for action begins with the word Resolved. The Resolved statements are the only part of a PTA Resolution that can be amended by delegates through a vote at the Annual Meeting (Convention). Convention Rules provide more information on the amendment process. Amendments must be submitted at Resolution Hearings or by the deadlines defined in the Convention Rules.
    • Background: The Background Summary is a narrative where a Maker can use plain language to define and link facts stated in the Preamble (Whereas) to the actions defined in the Request for Action (Resolved). It does not provide authority and cannot be changed by delegates at the Annual Meeting (Convention).
  4. See the full list of California State PTA Resolutions (scroll down to the bottom of this page).


When can I start working on a Resolution?

The deadline to submit a Draft Resolution to California State PTA is November 1st.  The deadline to submit a Final Resolution to California State PTA is January 5th. There is no set start date for work to begin. Resolution Makers, who have an authorization vote to begin the Resolution process, from a PTA association, may submit a Draft Resolution at any time prior to the November 1 due date.

The California State PTA Resolution Procedure Book defines the process to help makers develop their resolution. Please note, if the work begins during one term and continues into the next, a vote from the new association must be obtained to continue developing the resolution.

How long do Resolutions take?

PTA Resolutions must meet the criteria defined in the California State PTA Resolutions Procedure Book. The length of time to research and write a PTA Resolution depends on the author. There are some firm dates, however:

  • Resolutions are adopted by the delegates to the California State PTA Annual Meeting (convention) typically held once a year.
  • A Draft Resolution from units, councils, and districts must be submitted no later than November 1st to the California State PTA Resolutions Committee.
  • Final Resolution submissions must be submitted by January 5th to the California State PTA Resolutions Committee.
  • The California State PTA Board of Managers approve placement of the Resolution on the Annual Meeting agenda at their Winter meeting.

What does the term “Maker” mean?

A PTA member or group of members of a unit, council, or district identifies an issue of concern and determines the need for a resolution. One PTA member must chair or lead the committee and is often referred to as the “maker” of the resolution. More information can be found in the California State PTA’s Resolution Procedure Book.

Who can I go to for help with my Resolution?

The Resolutions Procedure Book is the best place to start with any resolution-related questions.

  • Makers can reach out for support at any time of the year from the California State PTA Resolutions Committee (via email at once an authorization vote has been taken by a PTA association.
  • Once a Draft Resolution has been submitted, a mentor or mentoring team from the California State PTA Resolutions Committee will be assigned. For more information see Attachment 3: The Role of the Mentor in the California State PTA Resolutions Procedure Book.
  • Additionally, all PTA members are welcome to contact the Resolutions Chair, at any time with questions about the process via email at

What are Resolution Endorsements?

Endorsements (letters of support) can be made by PTA Units, Councils, Districts, and the California State PTA Board of Managers as well as community or education organizations. Endorsements are sought by the maker prior to the California State PTA Winter Board of Managers to show support as a resolution is considered for the Annual Meeting agenda. Endorsements can also be voted on by PTA Associations after review and discussion, typically as part of delegate selection/training in preparation for the Annual Meeting. There is no need to do a work-study to endorse a PTA Resolution.

What should Delegates do to prepare for Resolutions at the Annual Meeting (convention)?

The California State PTA strongly encourages its Unit, Council, and District PTAs to budget for and send as many delegates (voting and non-voting) as possible to each Annual Meeting. Prior to the convention, units, councils, and districts are encouraged to review, discuss and vote on the resolutions to guide delegate action at convention. An endorsement may also be made at this time. Delegates vote according to the association’s intent as their representative.

All delegates are welcome at hearings. Voting delegates should plan to attend at least one Resolution Hearing and all General Meetings to exercise their voting obligation. More information on Annual Meeting (convention) delegates and representation at the convention is outlined in the California State PTA Bylaws, Article XV, Section 5, or request assistance from your PTA District leaders.

Alpha Listing of PTA Resolutions

Achievement: Eliminating the Gap (2009)
Adequate and Equitable State School Finance System (1987)
Aid to Survivors of Sexual Violence (2023)
Air Pollution (1973)
Alcohol and Tobacco Use in Youth: Education, Prevention and Intervention (2002)
Alcohol Beverage Advertising that Targets Youth (1992)
Alcohol-Related Driver Education (1982)
Antibiotic Resistance Awareness (2001)
Arts Education (1998)
Attention Deficit Disorder in Children (1998)
Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Awareness in Schools (2011)

Background Checks of Ice Cream Truck Vendors (1986)
Ballot Propositions (initiatives) (1999)
Ban on Drug Paraphernalia (1981)
Ban on Military Assault-Type Weapons (1989)
Ban on the Manufacture and Sale of Saturday Night Specials/Junk Guns (1997)
Bicycle Safety Education and Training (1973)
Bicycle Safety Helmets (1991)
Breakfast in Every School (2003)
Breast Cancer Early Detection Awareness and Education (1988)

California K-12 Public School Funding Crisis (1998)
Cannabis and Youth Health and Safety (2024)
Child Trafficking in California (2010)
Citizenship Education (1989)*
Class Size Reduction (1996)
Climate Change is a Children’s Issue (2015)
Closed Captioned TV (1978)
Comprehensive Waste Reduction in Schools (2007)
Computer Technology in Education (1983)
Computer Workstation Health (2010)
Control of Look-Alike Stimulants and Depressant Drugs (1982)
Creating Lifelong Readers (1998)
Credential Requirement: Parent/Family Involvement Component (1993)
Credentialed School Nurses (2005)

Desegregation and Neighborhood Schools (1979)
Developmentally-Appropriate Physical Education (1999)
Disaster Preparedness (1986)
Drug Advertising (1970)
Duplicate Emergency Forms at Athletic Events (1974)
Dyslexia: Addressing the Educational Implications in Public Schools (2016)

E-Cigarettes/Vaping, Flavored Tobacco Products and Youth Health (2020)
Early Childhood Development and Education (2000)
Early Care and Education for All of California’s Children (2019)
Education: A 21st Century Vision (2005)
Education on Hazards of Involuntary Smoking (1987)
Education on Health Hazards in the Use of Anabolic Steroids (1989)
Educational Technology Funding (1995)
Educational Testing and Test Scores (1971)
Electro-Magnetic Fields (1994)
Emergency School Bus Evacuation (1973)
Equal Access to School Improvement Program Funds (1983)
Equitable Literacy for All Students (2023)

Family Preservation: An Alternative to Out-of-Home Placement (1990)
Financial Literacy for Youth (1999)
Financing California’s Public Schools (2007)
Firearm Safety and Awareness (1995)
Firearm Safety Devices (1999)
Fireworks: Hazards to Youth (1990)
First Aid and/or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (C.P.R.) (1987)
Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis in Schools (2004)
Football Safety (1975)
Foster Families (1999)
Funding Sources for Adult Crossing Guards (1981)

Grade Retention (1991)

Hazardous Waste Management (1980)
Healthy Lifestyles for All Children (2004)
HIV/STD Prevention Education in Our Schools (2008)
Homeless Families with Children (1989)
Homework: Quality Over Quantity (2014)
Hot Weather Standards in the School Setting (1992)

Immunization Awareness and Educational Programs (1975)
Improving and Stabilizing Education Funding (2018)
Improving K-12 Mathematics Education (1998)
Inclusive Education for Students with Cognitive Disabilities (2023)
Inclusive Schools Build Stronger Communities (2013)
Increase Funding for Chronic Diseases & Injury Prevention (2020)
Increased School Nurse-to-Student Ratios (1997)
Increasing Counselor-to-Student Ratio in Schools (2000)
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Underfunding (2007)
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in Schools (2007)
Internet Access for California Classrooms (2000)

Juvenile Justice Reform – A Priority (1983)

Learning Disabilities and Learning Disabilities in Gifted Children (2000)
LGBTQ+ Inclusiveness in Health Education California (2015)
Licensing and Registration of Handguns (2000)
Limiting Concurrent Sales of Gasoline and Alcohol and the Proliferation of Outlets (1985)
Literacy Education (1989)
Local School Parcel Tax Measure Threshold Reduction (2008)
Longitudinal Integrated Statewide Data System (2008)
Lowering the 2/3 Vote Requirement on School and Library Bonds (1999)
Lowering the Vote Requirement in the California State Budget Process (2009)

Measles (Rubeola) Vaccinations (1990)
Mental Health Services for Our Children and Youth (2020)
Mental Illness: Treatment and Support (1999)
Minimum Instruction Time (1983)
Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Children, and Two Spirit Individuals (2024)
Mitigating Earthquake Hazards in Public Schools (1989)

Net Zero Emission Schools (2020)
Nonsuspension of Proposition 98 (1991)
Nutrition Education (1991)

Online Safeguards for Internet Use by Children and Youth (1997)
Opposition to Televised Commercials in California Classrooms (1990)*
Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness (1999)

Paintball Gun Control (1993)
Parent/Community Action for Effective Schools (1993)
Pedestrian Safety Education (1990)
Pesticides (1972)
Plant Based Food Options at School Meals (2022)
Playground Equipment Safety Standards (1996)
Playground Surface Safety (2002)
Post Proposition 13 Funding of Public Education (1979)
Primary Prevention of Substance Abuse (1979)
Prohibiting the Promotion of Tobacco Products (1987)
Property Tax Limitation (1978)
Protection of Children from the Harmful Effects of Aircraft Emissions (1998)
Public School Governance Authority (2007)

Qualifications for Candidacy in California Elections (2013)
Quality of Life Portrayed on Television (1979)

Regulation of Liquor Licenses Near Schools (1997)
Regulation of the Display and Sale to Minors of Drug-Use Information and Paraphernalia Including Cigarette Papers (1979)
Returning to the Classroom Following Student Concussions (2024)

Safe Routes to School for All Children (2008)
Safety Helmets for Scooter, Skateboard and Skate Users Under the Age of 18 (2001)
Safety Problems Related to Freeway Construction Near Schools (1970)
Sale of Tobacco Products to Minors (1988)
Save Our Kids (1983)
School Absenteeism/Dropouts (1986)
School Buildings and Railroad Safety Requirements (1990)
School Bus Safety (1993)
School Construction Funding (1986)
School Desegregation Through Housing Integration Incentives (1982)
School Facilities and Public Planning (1991)
School Facilities Crisis (1990)
School Funding (1981)
School Library Media Center Funding Crisis (1988)
School Nutrition Programs: Improvement and Expansion (1991)
School Support Program (1976)
School Traffic and Pedestrian Safety Improvement (2001)
School Transportation (1981)
School Transportation: Equitable Funding (2004)
School-to-Career for All Students (2001)
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education (2011)
Scoliosis Screening (1980)
Seat Belt and Child Restraint Usage (1983)
Self-Esteem and Personal and Social Responsibility Awareness (1991)
Smoking and Health (1964)
Social Host Accountability and Underage Drinking (2009)
State Government Responsibility for a Rational Budget Process (1992)*
State Tax Reform (1991)
Strategies to Reduce School, Family and Community Violence (1995)
Student Assessment, Achievement and Accountability (2000)
Student Substance Abuse: Alternatives to Zero Tolerance (2003)
Substance Use and Abuse During Pregnancy (1987)
Suicide Prevention Education and Awareness (1983)
Summer Learning Loss (2013)
Summer School (1980)
Sun Safety: Skin Cancer Prevention Measures at School (2005)
Support and Funding for Voluntary Integration Programs (1980)
Support for the Civic Mission of Schools (2006)
Support for Quality Child Care (1986)
Support of Public Education, PTA Priority (1980)
Synthetic and Tobacco-Free Nicotine Products (2023)
Synthetic Marijuana – Education and Awareness (2015)

Teacher Preparation for Elementary Education (1973)
Teacher Quality: Recruitment, Retention and Resources (2001)
Teaching Hard History: American Slavery in K-12 Education (2021)
Teen Driving Safety (2009)
Television Literacy and Program Accountability (1993)
Television/Screen Time Awareness (2006)
Temperature Control Standards in the School Setting (2019)
Threatening Phone Calls to Schools (1990)
Tobacco Advertising That Targets Minors (1993)
Torture Toys (1972)
Toxins (Persistent and Bioaccumulative) and Their Effects on Children (2002)
Treatment Centers for the Sexually Abused (1978)
Trees for Life (1989)
Tuition Tax Credits (1982)*

Use of Children as Subjects in Pornographic Materials (1977)

Violence and Vandalism (1980)
Violence in the Home (1977)
Violence Prevention in Schools (1999)
Voluntary Fingerprinting (1983)

Weapons on Campus (1973)

Youth Involvement (2004)


Starred (*) titles represent resolutions adopted by California State PTA Board of Managers. (These were not voted upon by Convention delegates.)

Legislation Conference

LegCon25 Graphics and 2023-25 CA PTA Leg Team Logo (capitol dome with "Use your voice")

Save-the-Date for the 2025 California State PTA Legislation Conference!

California State PTA speaks up for children across the state, and you can, too! Attendees will hear from engaging speakers, influential legislators, and insightful experts. See the Capitol and meet with lawmakers about your key issues. Budget now to join us for this not-to-be-missed event!

All PTA members are invited and encouraged to attend the 2025 California State PTA Legislation Conference at the Embassy Suites by Hilton, Sacramento Riverfront Promenade, February 3-4, 2025 (Monday-Tuesday). Registration will open in late 2024. 


WHO Should Attend? 

  • You! PTA members new to advocacy and experienced legislative advocates are invited to join us.
  • Chaperoned high school students (or those over 18) are also welcome to attend.

WHAT Should Attendees Expect?

This is your chance to meet and network with other advocates from across the state who are interested in learning more about key issues affecting children, youth, and families. We spend two days participating in learning activities and hearing from legislative leaders and experts on issues you care about. The two days culminate with an opportunity Tuesday afternoon to advocate directly with your state legislators. 

Check back for additional information on speakers and a tentative agenda as the event approaches. Monday’s start time is estimated to be 9:00 a.m., and the wrap-up meeting on Tuesday will end by 5pm.

WHY Should PTA Members Attend? 

To make a difference!

  • Hear from engaging speakers, influential legislators, and insightful experts.
  • Network and share ideas with advocates from around the state.
  • See the Capitol and meet with lawmakers about your key issues.
  • Get tips on how to be an effective advocate for children and youth.
  • Learn the latest about hot topics across our state.

Plan for Your Conference Attendance


  • Two-day conference
  • Three Meals (Monday – Lunch & Dinner/Tuesday – Breakfast)
  • Conference Materials

ACCOMMODATIONS (not included in registration fee).

  • Conference hotel:


If you are arriving for the Legislation Conference on Sunday, February 2, 2025, consider joining us for an OPTIONAL pre-conference networking event from 5:30-7:30 pm. 

Please note there are no refunds, and no-shows will be invoiced. Registration transfers only.