School Smarts Academy Surveys


Graduation is a special time to honor the commitment and achievements of the School Smarts Parent Academy participants. The graduation involves arranging logistics, planning the celebration program, inviting guests and coordinating parent representative(s) to share out their experience and program impact. School leadership and family members are invited to attend the graduation to celebrate the parents’ accomplishments.


Parents, facilitator and school leadership jointly plan the graduation. Logistics include coordinating location, food, interpretation and recognition of the parent graduates.

Here are some suggestions to help guide you in your planning:

Location: Hold graduation at the same time of day and location as the Parent Academy  so that all participants are able to attend.

Interpretation: Be sure to have an interpreter if one was needed during the academy.

Food: Work with Planning Team and parent participants to organize a reception that may include a potluck or graduation cake.

Recognition: Recognize each graduate individually by calling their name and handing them their certificate. Display any artwork that was created during the academies. Remember to document the event with photos and/or video recordings.

Invite Guests

Be sure to invite special guests within the school district such as the superintendent, school board members, school district administrators, principals and school PTA leadership to attend the graduation celebration. Special guests are encouraged to speak and provide additional ways that parents can be further engaged in their child’s education.

Be sure to recognize any special guests who attend.

Parent Presentations

Testimonials: As part of the graduation celebration, it is important to have parents highlight their experience and share how they plan to remain engaged in their child’s education.

Facilitators will work with parent participants to select representative(s) to share their School Smarts Academy experience at the graduation celebration. Testimonials are typically 2 – 3 minutes.

Action Plan: Sharing the Action Plan adds a level of commitment from the parents to continue their engagement with the school and build partnerships with school administration. Have a parent representative share the action plan developed by the group at the graduates.


California State PTA  provides graduation certificates for all parents. Graduation certificates can be ordered in the following languages: English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Tagalog and Vietnamese.

Click here to order certificates.

Graduation Celebration at-a-glance

Below you will a flow chart to help implement a successful graduation celebration.


After the program is completed, you have a new pool of enthusiastic parents ready to be more actively engaged at your school. Reach out to them and ask them to join and be a part of your school community by serving on committees like the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) advisory, English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC), School Site Council (SSC) or school site PTA.

Share your Story

We encourage you to send photos of all events, academy session success stories, program highlights and parent Action Plans. Please fill in the information below.  We look forward to sharing your story with the School Smarts network.



Click below to download resources to help you have a successful Graduation Celebration: