September 8 – International Literacy Day

by Education and Family Engagement Commissions

The latest National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) results reveal a sobering reality: American children’s reading skills have reached new lows, with little sign of post-pandemic recovery.

As reported by Education Week, 40% of 4th graders and 33% of 8th graders now perform at a below basic level in reading and dash the highest percentages in decades.

Students’ reading achievement has marched steadily downward even as dozens of states have launched large-scale transformations to how they approach early literacy instruction.

September 8th is International Literacy Day and California State PTA knows the important role that parents play in helping children cultivate a love of reading.  Here are some resources for you to help your child along their literacy journey:

  • Raising a Reader – California State PTA has great tips for helping children to develop language skills and become lifelong readers.
  • 4 Tips to Boost Literacy Skills – Learn four ways to eliminate a “word gap” for your child.
  • Reading Tips for Families – This website has videos, a daily calendar of literacy activities to do, as well as a reading glossary to help parents increase their child’s reading skills.
  • Our Resource Library has several tools as well for students from preschool to high school.  Simply search “reading” or “literacy”. You can also search “books” for some great reading lists.