Advocacy Insider: The Latest on State and Federal Issues

Advocacy Insider screen shotStay up-to-date on the latest in all things advocacy. Formerly called “Sacramento Update” and “Advocacy Update” but now called “Advocacy Insider,” this e-newsletter will keep you informed on sponsored and co-sponsored legislation and other bills that PTA supports.

Here are the most recent issues:


Reflections Art Program Student Participant Forms

Current Student Packet – available in English (fillable PDF form) and Spanish (non-fillable PDF, or fillable PDF with entry form only).

Rules by Category:

2024-25 Participation Forms:

  • District Participation Form — available in English
  • Council Participation Form — available in English
  • Unit Participation Form — available in English
  • Student Packet — available in English and Spanish

Post-Reflections Program Materials:

Resources and materials from National PTA:

Local Leader’s Guide

Reflections Art Program Logos, Fliers and Promotional Materials

Encourage your school community to be part of PTA’s 2024-25 Reflections Program “I am Hopeful Because…” with promotional materials.

2024-2025 PTA Reflections Image

Running Your PTA… Made Easy

One of the wonderful benefits of belonging to PTA is the support system it offers.

Running Your PTA… Made Easy provides simplified summaries of the PTA basics that all PTA board members should know. It covers meetings, recruiting volunteers, finance, membership and more.

Reading this basic guide will enhance your experience as a PTA leader and provide you with information on topics you will be likely to reference throughout your term of office.

Download here.

Defining the PTA Difference

difference_WEBThe term “PTA” is commonly used to describe any parent group, and many parents, teachers, and administrators are unaware of the distinct differences between PTA and other parent organizations.

  • PTA is a not-for-profit organization and the nation’s original and premier parent involvement group in schools.
  • PTA has more than 23,000 local units and nearly 6 million members.
  • PTA units are supported by a national and state structure that provides valuable information, resources, and training.
  • PTA believes parents are more than fundraisers.
  • PTA works with parents to advocate for proper funding, leadership, and instruction for all schools and school districts.
  • Chartered PTA units are 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations.
  • Local PTAs are eligible for discounted insurance for events that are not covered by their schools.
  • PTA provides a free data collection system.

Download our flier outlining all of the things that make PTA different!


Quick Guides to Understanding the New Accountability Plans for Schools

quickguidesTake a deeper look at each of the eight state priority areas of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) in our LCAP Quick Guides – helping you better understand and engage in the new Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAPs). These latest resources show how progress is measured, key questions to ask and links to more resources. Use these great tools as you review your school district’s LCAP.
