Community Members:
- Write letters to city council, elected officials, and school board members encouraging them to join
- Attend Rotary, Optimist, Kiwanis Club meetings and recruit their members
- Host a PTA table at any/every community event
- Invite senior citizens to activities such as school plays
- Incorporate local community organizations and businesses into your activities and programs. Ask for donations to be used as giveaways and thank them publicly for their support
- Provide your board members with membership envelopes and encourage them to take them to all community functions, events and businesses.
Involving those who speak other languages:
- Attend an ELL (English Language Learner) advisory meetings with a translator and explain the role of PTA
- Hold a multi-cultural event that involves everyone
- Have a board liaison position to the ELAC (English Learners Advisory Committee) parent group
- Provide interpretation to those that need it at all meetings and events. Recruit parents to help with language challenges, recruit translators from the community, provide headsets, hold bilingual meetings, etc
- Keep all parents informed and provide information of value. Translate all printed materials as needed.
Download the Local Marketing Plan and Template Worksheet to get started on more ways to build membership.