Programs + Events

Visual Arts

Accessible Arts Division (All Grades)

Isabella Juarez-Padilla
Title: Unapologetically Imperfect
Grade: 10
Corona del Mar High PTA (Fourth District PTA)
I was born autistic. Like a pearl, I started my life with a little grain of sand that needed nacre to shine. People like me are often exposed to bullying or abuse. I was and my spirit got broken.Treat us with love and respect and you’ll be compensated with the bloom of an orchid.Today I still use “masking” to try to fit in society, but my mask is broken and, like Kintsugi, it’s getting repaired with the gold of time so people can find my beauty by embracing my imperfections.

Visual Arts Titled Unapologetically Imperfect

Primary Division (Pre-K-Grade 2)

Jennifer Zhihua He
Title: Imperfections Help Me Grow
Grade: 2
Peach Hill Academy PTA (Twelfth District PTA)
“I drew this picture to illustrate how imperfections help me grow. This girl has both a dark and bright side. The dark dandelions symbolize her struggles with homework, mistakes, anger, embarrassment and sadness. The bright dandelions reflect her inner strength, surrounded by love and many helping hands, she learns to embrace her flaws and grow from them. Finally, she becomes strongeer and wiser.”

Intermediate Division (Grades (3-5)

Liam Park
Title: Never Perfect
Grade: 4
Paradise Canyon Elementary School PTA (First District PTA)
I love playing basketball, even when I don’t win. Winning is fun, but what really matters is trying my best and having fun. Losing helps me learn and grow, and it’s okay that I’m not perfect. In my painting, I made nine squares that show different feelings: sadness, worry, and happiness. These feelings help me remember that every experience, even tough ones, helps me grow. I’ve learned that life is more fun when I accept imperfections. I don’t need to be perfect to be happy, and that makes life more enjoyable.
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Middle School Division (Grades 6-8)

Abigail Hong
Title: The Evolution of Imperfection
Grade: 7
Oxford Academy PTSA (Fourth District PTA)
I was inspired to create this piece after looking at a “Evolution of Man” painting. It showed how the human species changed over time. I though, “Why not make an illistration about how I have changed over the past year?” If you look at the girl on the left, perfection has tied her up, restricting her of making any mistakes. At the end of her journey, the girl realizes that imperfection makes you happy in life, which causes the rope of perfection to fall.

High School Division (Grades 9-12)

Valen Aznavourian
Title: Mirror of Emotions
Grade: 12
Crescenta Valley High PTSA (First District PTA)
This piece is about accepting that sometimes you do not feel happy/confident while looking at yourself in the mirror, and that is okay. Sometimes putting on makeup can make you feel even more insecure. So, I decided to show how, instead of hiding your emotions, putting them into art can help you cope with those feelings of insecurity. I have found that it has been healthier for me to acknowledge these moments of doubt, versus hiding them away. To me, this is the perfect example of how imperfections can be turned into strength.
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