Programs + Events

Film Production

Accessible Arts Division (All Grades)

Nikolaos Ward
Title: Niko’s Perfectly Imperfect Life
Grade: 5
La Veta Elementary PTA (Fourth District PTA)
Accepting imperfection means that you don’t have to be perfect to do a lot of things. I am an example of imperfection because of my cerebral palsy. I can do a lot of things imperfectly, even when it looks different from others. I’m imperfectly perfect in my own way. My life has inspired my film because it’s about me.
Select image to view Nikolaos’ movie.Kathleen Balaban Film Production

Primary Division (Pre-K-Grade 2)

Sara Lad
Title: The Power of Teamwork in Overcoming Imperfections
Grade: 2
Coyote Creek Elementary PTA (Thirty-Second District PTA)
The film depicts how teamwork can help in navigating through imperfections and help achieve victory through collaboration. The story is of three elementary school students who come together for an art project and despite their individual challenges were successful in building their project by focusing on each other’s strengths rather than weaknesses.
Select image to view Sara’s movie.Film Production

Intermediate Division (Grades (3-5)

Margaret Allgood Wurfel
Title: Kalaver, the tripod cat.
Grade: 4
Medows PTA (Thirty-Fourth District PTA)
“You do not have the samee story as everyone else to have good life. Even if something happens that changes everything, you can stillfind happiness.”
Select image to view Margaret’s movie.

Middle School Division (Grades 6-8)

Aparajita Dutta
Title: Blossoms
Grade: 8
Warren E. Hyde Middle School PTSA (Sixth District PTA)
“Blossoms is a tale of transformation. A bullied boy, scarred by his differences, wants to end his misery. He meets a cancer patient with only a couple days left, confined to a wheelchair. The girl saves the boy, and through a simple, crumpled flower, she reveals the hidden beauty within him. The girl embodies hope, while the flower symbolizes beauty that can only be uncovered once flaws are accepted. The film’s message states: embrace your imperfections, and let your inner blossoms bloom.
Select image to view Aparajita’s movie.

High School Division (Grades 9-12)

Mariah Moreno
Title: She would never understand
Grade: 11
Santiago High School PTSA (Twenty-Third District PTA)
“She would never understand” explores the unrealistic societal beauty standards women are facing today. How what see on social media, public magazines, have ruined the minds of women and young girls in today’s generation. “She” represents the girls, the women. How we have been taught a certain way to do things to ourselves in order to be considered beautiful,but “she” also represent the girl we strive to be who we consider to be “perfect” but in reality struggles with her own problems. We can never fully replicate someone’s beauty, journey, or story so accepting imperfection is not an easy thing to do, and I don’t think we’ve been told that enough. That we are and will always be good enough.”

Select image to view Mariah’s movie.Film Production