Programs + Events

Dance Choreography

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Accessible Arts Division (All Grades)

We look forward to seeing you next year. 

Primary Division (Pre-K-Grade 2)

Chloe Dimitrakopoulos
Title: Dancing Through the Imperfections
Grade: 2
Brookside Elementary PTA (Twelfth District PTA)
Things might be perfect in people’s eyes, but it actually never really is perfect. I chose this song, because I really like the lyrics. In the song, the girl Ed Sheeran is singing about said she looked “a mess”, but he didn’t see that. He saw beauty instead. When I was choreographing my dance, I wanted to make it the best that I could. While I was dancing, I realized that there were imperfections in my dance, but that did not stop me from dancing from my heart and finishing it strong.
Select image to view Chloe’s dance routine.

Intermediate Division (Grades (3-5)

Kaylee Woo
Title: Progress
Grade: 5
Dapplegray Elementary School PTA (Thirty-Third District PTA)
The choreography is about passion. Initially, the dancer is trying a hard move and is frustrated that she cannot do it perfectly. Then she learns to be joyful even as she continues to not do the move perfectly, because she enjoys the process of learning. Finally, she is able to do her move because she kept trying and did not give up.
Select image to view Kaylee’s dance routine. Bridget Werner Dance

Middle School Division (Grades 6-8)

Rowan Zollars
Title: Covid Days are Over
Grade: 6
Sycamore Canyon School PTSA (Twelfth District PTA)
When challenged to interpret “Accepting Imperfection”, I decided to write and speak my own poem and add movement. When I think of perfection, I think of the stress of trying to fit in and only showing the best parts of me. The dance starts structured and precise, focusing on the connection we see between happiness and perfection. Later in the dance, I show the anxiety and insecurity of accepting imperfection in my disconnected movements. The final 20 seconds of the piece are left as improvisation so that each time I perform it, I leave room for both possibility and imperfection.

Select image to view Rowan’s dance routine.Middle Dance

High School Division (Grades 9-12)

Megan Park
Title: Hands to Heart
Grade: 11
Valencia High School PTSA (Fourth District PTA)
Through “Hands to Heart”, I emphasize the importance of not only accepting, but also celebrating imperfection. Especially nowadays, individuals often put themselves down, overcome by the expectation to be “perfect.” However, I believe imperfection is what makes human so beautiful and unique. In this piece, hands appear as a symbolic motif, representing self-view. Initially, I convey self-deprecation and insecurity through closed body language and tense movement as I try to escape my hands. However, I eventually free up my movement, holding my hands close to my heart as they transition from a symbol of diffidence to a symbol of dignity.
Select image to view Megan’s dance routine.Adrienne Gonzalez