Interest: Videos
Title 1 and The Arts
Apoye a sus hijos y a su escuela- ¡Únase a la PTA!
Student Ella Smith: The Importance of Family Engagement
Engaging Families for Student Success
White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics: Una conversación especial de Google+ referente a la participación de los padres
Understanding the New Assessment Scores for Your Child
Foster Children: Supporting and Celebrating Success
May is National Foster Care Month and through the Every Child in Focus campaign, National PTA has produced a video series on the extensive community that helps the nearly 400,000 children and youth find permanent homes and connections. Here is one of the videos, spotlighting how school communities can support foster families and children.
The Power of Civics Education
The power of civics education was front and center at our recent convention when California State PTA Past President Carol Kocivar sat down to interview Chief Justice of California Hon. Tani G. Cantil-Sakauye. Take a look!