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PTA’s “every child, one voice” includes speaking out for ALL of California’s children including those who are undocumented or children of undocumented parents.

 pta statement concerning the rescindment of daca

As the oldest and largest child-advocacy association in the state, California State PTA believes all children, regardless of their immigration status, have the right to a quality public education, adequate food and shelter and basic health services.

California State PTA believes that school-age children should not be denied an education through coercion, illegal data collection, profiling or interference via threats of deportation. To allow such would be a foreclosure upon their future contributions to our society. It is in the national interest to ensure that all children, including undocumented children, have the opportunity to reach their full potential and become productive members of society. Access to a free public education is the most effective method of securing this opportunity, and should not be denied to any child.

On September 8, 2017, California State PTA President Dianna MacDonald released the following statement:

“The United States is a country of immigrants and the blending of cultures is what enriches our nation. When California State PTA stands up and says we are advocating to improve the lives of all children, we mean ALL children. Children who are sitting next to your child in grade school, children that are working with your child on their science project and children who are on the middle-school student council. PTA has a long history of supporting the most vulnerable children and this is no exception. We will be joining National PTA in closely monitoring Congress and will be ready to provide support for a thoughtful, bipartisan plan to protect all of California’s children.

“The President’s decision to rescind DACA puts these children in jeopardy and we ask Congress to take action to correct this situation NOW. #DefendDACA.”

related pta position statements

California State PTA Positions Statements:

National PTA Position Statement:

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