The Legislation Team’s January Monthly Call for Local Leaders
All PTA members are invited to join us virtually on Monday, January 24 at 7 p.m. m. to a discussion about the California state budget. Join us as we learn the top three things parents and families can expect in California’s new state budget.
This presentation is normally the culminating event of our annual Legislation Conference, it is never broadcast or recorded. Because we had to postpone the conference this year, we opened up the opportunity to hear budget experts talk about state government priorities to all members, not just those who attend our annual Legislation Conference.
Hear from one of the top West Coast fiscal experts in school funding. Kevin will highlight some of the proposals outlined in the Governor’s budget announced on January 10 and answer questions from our members.
Normally this presentation is the capstone event of our annual Legislation Conference – never broadcast or recorded. Because we had to postpone the conference this year, we’re opening up the opportunity to hear from budget experts discussing the state government’s priorities to all members, not just those attending our annual Legislation Conference.
We hope you’ll join us to hear the most up- to-date information about the Governors proposed budget for California and have the opportunity to submit your questions.
Register here.