California State PTA past presidents led the association to be outstanding and strong in membership as we see it today. Each with a firm affirmation in “Every child. One Voice.”
Turn of the Century
- 1900-1907 Mrs. W.W. Murphy
- 1907-1910 Mrs. Chalmers Smith
- 1910-1912 Mrs. A.L. Hamilton
- 1912-1917 Mrs. H.N. Rowell
- 1917-1920 Dr. Jessie A. Russell
The Roaring Twenties
- 1920-1923 Mrs. Edgar L. DeArman (Served as Mrs. Henry J. Ewing)
- 1923-1926 Mrs. Hugh Bradford
- 1926-1928 Mrs. F.O. McColloch
- 1928-1930 Mrs. R.L. Cardiff
The Depression Era
- 1930-1932 Mrs. Laura Price Byers
- 1932-1934 Mrs. William J. Hayes (Served as Mrs. W.A. Price)
- 1934-1936 Mrs. C.H. Turner
- 1936-1938 Mrs. B.C. Clark
- 1938-1940 Mrs. James K. Lytle
The WWII Era
- 1940-1942 Mrs. E.K. Strong
- 1942-1944 Mrs. E.T. Hale
- 1944-1946 Mrs. Rollin Brown
- 1948-1950 Mrs. G.W. Luhr
The Space Race Begins
- 1950-1952 Mrs. Edward T. Walker
- 1952-1954 Mrs. P.D. Bevil (Mildred)
- 1954-1956 Mrs. A. Kenneth Spencer
- 1956-1958 Mrs. Russell Scott
- 1958-1960 Mrs. J.F. Snowden (Martha)
The Sixties
- 1960-1962 Mrs. Herbert Guthmann (Served as Mrs. C.H. Culbertson)
- 1962-1964 Mrs. W.W. Wood (Bernice)
- 1964-1966 Mrs. G.D. Edwards (Martha)
- 1966-1968 Mrs. Lawrence Martin
- 1968-1970 Mrs. Robley Berry
Women’s Liberation Begins
- 1970-1972 Etha Hoffman
- 1972-1974 Estelle Patch
- 1974-1976 Ruth Swenson
- 1976-1979 Virginia Macy
- 1979-1981 Freda Thorlaksson
The Eighties
- 1981-1983 Chris Adams
- 1983-1985 Bobette Bennett
- 1985-1987 Donnetta Spink
- 1987-1989 Betty Lindsey
- 1989-1991 Dorothy Leonard
The Postmodern Age
- 1991-1993 Gloria Blackwell
- 1993-1995 Pat Dingsdale
- 1995-1997 Carol Ruley
- 1997-1999 Rosaline Turnbull
- 1999-2001 Lavonne McBroom
Turn of the Century, Part Deux
- 2001-2003 Jan Harp Domene
- 2003-2005 Carla Niño
- 2005-2007 Brenda J. Davis
- 2007-2009 Pam Brady
- 2009-2011 Jo A.S. Loss
The Tens
- 2011-2013 Carol Kocivar
- 2013-2015 Colleen A.R. You
- 2015-2017 Justine Fischer
- 2017-2019 Dianna MacDonald
- 2019-2021 Celia Jaffe
The Twenties
- 2021-2023 Carol Green