by California State PTA Membership Services Commission2023 is a New Year and That’s an Opportunity for New Members
This new year, California State PTA is setting a New Year’s Resolution to start all our PTAs back on a Journey to a Million Members! Each year is a new opportunity for membership and for us to remind our communities that the power of PTA is the power to positively impact the lives of all children and families.
Welcome to 2023! Building Your Membership Plan is Essential to Success.
Don’t worry, ideas and help are at your fingertips. Registering for the Leader’s Website that is being provided by California State PTA will help you get a hold of your digital membership toolkit. Get Your Toolkit
Stay On Track for the Membership Incentives & Challenges in 2023
You are doing amazing things for Membership! And we are seeing it across the state! There are still opportunities for you to be recognized and to win. The first two challenges, with upcoming dates, are below! Learn More
- Founders’ Day Membership Challenge – PTA Founders’ Day is February 17. Any unit that submits 17 new memberships for the month of February will earn a certificate and recognition on California State PTA social media platforms. No application is required. Due Date: 2/28/23.
- Best in 5 Award – Any PTA unit, council, or district with a membership total on or before the deadline that is higher than the largest year-end total since the 2018-2019 membership year will be awarded a certificate of recognition and entered into a drawing to receive a $500 cash award. All units, councils, and districts that qualify for the Best in 5 Award will receive a recognition ribbon at the 2023 California State PTA Convention. No application is required. Due Date: 3/31/23.
e-Membership/Totem Tip of the Week!
Now that you’ve settled into your Membership role, have you thought about how e-membership might make things easier for you? If you aren’t on Totem, California State PTA’s e-membership platform, you can get started by emailing and TOTEM will work with state PTA to activate your local unit. Please include the following: 1) Your school name 2) Your PTA district 3) Your Council (if in a Council) 4) Your name and leadership position.
If you’re already on Totem, your tip of the week is to double check your Teacher list from the office and make sure teachers haven’t changed during this semester to help you get ready for any membership drives and competitions you may do in 2023. Learn More