PTA insurance Premiums are due now. Check with your PTA Council or District for your insurance due date.

PTA insurance Premiums are due now. Check with your PTA Council or District for your insurance due date. Your regular PTA insurance premium of $282 for local PTA units is due no later than December 20! Insurance received by AIM after December 20, is subject to a $25.00 late fee. DO NOT SEND INSURANCE PREMIUMS THROUGH CHANNELS!  

If you pay for additional insurance above and beyond the standard rate, you need to contact AIM insurance directly to receive an invoice for the additional premiums. Once your payment is processed, you will receive an insurance certificate specific to your PTA. Many school districts require a new copy of the insurance certificate each year showing your coverage.

Find more insurance information and resources here and download the 2023 AIM Insurance Guide in English and Spanish.

Look for Your Workers’ Compensation Insurance Survey

On December 15th, the window for reporting your Workers’ Compensation status opens. Your president will receive an email with the link for filling out the Workers’ Compensation survey. You have until January 31st, 2022 to report any employees/independent contractors/sole proprietors who have provided services for your PTA for the time period between January 5th, 2021 and January 4th, 2022.

In order to fill out the survey, you will need information about any individual you paid directly for services during that time period. Do not include companies with more than one employee or board members you have reimbursed for purchases they made on your PTA’s behalf. Most PTAs do not owe an additional premium because they don’t have any qualifying workers that they need to cover.

If an individual has their own Workers’ Compensation insurance, they should provide you with proof.

If an individual does not have their own Workers’ Compensation insurance (liability insurance is not the same), you must cover them. The state of California does not require sole proprietors to carry their own, but our insurance company does in order to keep the costs of your general insurance down. You will need to report the total amount of money paid to the individual. The additional premium is 5% of the total of all paid individuals, minus the first $1,000.00.

The Workers’ Compensation insurance premium, if required, is paid directly to AIM. You will receive an invoice after you submit the paperwork to them.

 For further information check out: