
California State PTA Responds to Governor’s Proposed 2021-22 Budget Plan

SACRAMENTO, JANUARY 13, 2021 – California State PTA has released the following statement in response to the Governor’s budget plan for 2021-2022:

“This has been an unprecedented time for students and families,” said Celia Jaffe, President of California State PTA. “The global pandemic and civil unrest has rocked the foundation of our public school system. The state and federal budget investments we make this year are critical to restoring the health, safety, social, emotional and academic support needed for all children and families.”

“In the view of California State PTA, the Governor’s proposed budget holds promise. The $6.7 billion to mitigate the COVID pandemic impact on schools will support students and staff. We must keep the health and safety of our students, staff and families first in any early action plan. Addressing learning loss and ensuring equity are crucial.”

“PTA is also pleased to see investments in student mental health, early childhood education, extended education, and the cradle-to-career data system as well as the ongoing commitment to professional development for educators. Use of one-time funds to spend down funding deferrals owed to K-12 education and to defray costs of employee pensions makes sense.”

“We appreciate the focus on investments in special education, but a greater financial commitment will continue to be necessary to fully fund the costs for our most vulnerable students.”

“PTA believes that prioritizing the needs of vulnerable families is more critical now than ever, and we look forward to working with the Legislature and Governor as the proposed 2021-2022 budget moves through process during this unique and challenging time.”


About California State PTA: California State PTA connects families, schools and communities. We are part of the foundation of our public education system and a trusted messenger to millions of members, parents, families, educators and allied agencies throughout the state. PTA is the nation’s largest volunteer-led child-advocacy association working to drive improvements in the education, health and well-being of all children and families. For more information, visit


Heather Ippolito
Vice President for Communications

Ignacio Barragan
Assistant Executive Director